Chapter 131

Li Qiaomu looked at him in surprise, "Can you tell if I'm telling the truth or a lie, true or false?"

If that's the case, then it's not like she doesn't have some secrets in front of him.

Jian Haotian smiled softly, "I can only tell whether you are telling a lie or telling the truth in this matter, I can't tell other things, after all, I am not a fairy."

Hearing that he could only see this incident, Li Qiaomu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that he kept looking at him suspiciously, Li Qiaomu quickly admitted what happened just now, "You are right, our family did not lose any money, but I did lose my clothes, and the cream. I'm not lying."

"Besides, if they don't come to our house to steal things, do I have a chance to tell this lie." She didn't admit that she had done something wrong.

If this man dares to accuse her of this matter, then she will not be used to him, and she will turn against him now.

"Well done." A satisfied smile slowly formed on the corner of his handsome mouth.

Li Qiaomu looked at him incredulously, "Aren't you scolding me?"

Jian Haotian looked at her with a funny face and asked, "Why am I scolding you? You didn't do anything wrong. This is what my mother and the others did wrong. This can be regarded as their punishment."

The corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth curled slightly, and he looked at him with satisfaction, "It seems that you are still not fainted, so I can rest assured."

Jian Haotian looked at her mischievous smiling face with tenderness in his eyes.

When he got home, Li Dongsheng ran over with a nervous expression on his face. He first looked at Li Qiaomu's whole body, and after making sure that he, the third sister, didn't suffer anything, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't worry, the matter has been taken care of. Today is a big harvest. Let's have chicken tonight." She announced loudly with a happy face.

When the three children in the family heard that there was chicken to eat, they jumped up and cheered happily.

Standing among the three children, Li Chaoyang also smirked. He didn't expect to have chicken to eat at his sister-in-law's house on the first day, and he was full of expectations for his future working life.

More than 100 yuan fell from the sky, and Li Qiaomu bought two chickens for 15 yuan from someone in the village and killed them for stewed soup and white meat.

It was originally a farm chicken, and it tasted delicious. In addition, Li Qiaomu put Lingquan water in it, and the taste was even more delicious.

This meal gave the big guy a round belly.

Even Wen Leibo couldn't control himself, and ate an extra bowl of rice and soup.

Li Qiaomu felt sorry for Li Chaoyang, a nephew who had just arrived, so he didn't immediately arrange for him to go to work in the field. Instead, he let him rest at home for half a day, and then let him follow Li Dongsheng to work at the foot of the mountain the next day.

Of course, I haven't gone to the field to look at my vegetables for several days. On the second day after returning, Li Qiaomu also went to the field to check the vegetables in the field.

I found that the green vegetables here are not only growing a bit slowly, but the others are growing well.

Looking at the lush green vegetables, Li Qiaomu was full of fighting spirit and secretly poured half a bottle of spiritual spring water into the reservoir where the vegetables were watered while no one noticed.

A Lai saw Li Qiaomu who came to see Qingcai, so he hurried over to report what had happened in the past few days.

"Sister Qiao Mu, don't worry, I'll take good care of these dishes and everything will be fine."

"Alai, you've been serving these dishes well these days, work hard, and when these dishes are sold, Sister Qiao Mu will give you a raise."

(End of this chapter)

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