Chapter 136 I Will Listen To You
After sitting in the car for more than ten hours, Li Qiaomu just wanted to take a good bath and then sleep.

"I'll take a shower first, and it will be your turn later." She took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom inside.

After a while, the sound of bathing water came from the bathroom inside.

Jian Haotian, who was sitting in the room, heard the sound of water coming from inside, and immediately became a little irritable, and quickly took a coat and took a puff of cigarette outside.

As soon as he took a puff, he remembered that the woman inside didn't like him smoking, so he quickly put out the cigarette he took a puff of.

Every sound of water sprinkling from inside seemed to him tormented.

When Li Qiaomu came out of the shower and saw him sitting in the room, he immediately smelled the air, and then fixed his radar-like eyes on him and asked, "Did you smoke just now?"

Hearing her question, Jian Haotian's expression was tense for a moment, and after a while he answered with a guilty conscience, "Well, I took a sip, and I threw away the back."

After hearing his answer, Li Qiaomu was a little bit complaining but also a little satisfied, "I'll forgive you, if you smoke again next time, let's see how I deal with you."

"Would you like to take a bath?" she suggested.

Jian Haotian hummed, took out his change of clothes and went into the bathroom inside without looking back.

Li Qiaomu looked at his back as he entered, and frowned slightly. Why did she feel that this man didn't dare to look at her.

But she didn't think much about it, and quickly put the rest of her attention on packing things.

This time she came out and brought most of the family's money.

It's hard to come here once. Of course, if you want to do a bigger business, if you want to do a small one, I'm sorry that the couple took so long to come here.

After looking at the money for a while, Li Qiaomu quickly hid them in a hidden pocket of his clothes.

As soon as she tidied up her clothes, the man who had just entered the bathroom had already come out of it.

When he came out, his hair was still dripping with water.

Li Qiaomu swallowed his saliva unwillingly looking at his handsome and appetizing appearance.

Seeing her reaction, Jian Haotian felt a little happy, at least he knew that he was not unresponsive in the eyes of his wife.

Ever since he retired and came back, he felt that his wife was very indifferent to him, and his indifference to him made him wonder if he was no longer attractive in her eyes.

But now it seems that he finds himself attractive in the eyes of his wife.

"After driving the car for almost a day, my hands are a little sore and I can't wipe my hair. Can you wipe my hair for me?" He walked in front of her and handed her a dry towel in his hand.

Li Qiaomu didn't think much about it, thinking it was true. After all, this guy really drove the car for nearly a day, so it's normal for his hands to be a little sore.

While brushing his hair, she mentioned her plans for tomorrow to him by the way, "I want to go to the large wholesale market near here. If there are suitable clothes, I will wholesale a batch and sell them there. You What do you think?"

Jian Haotian replied absently, "Well, I'll listen to you."

Li Qiaomu's movement of wiping his hair froze for a moment, and quickly continued, "From now on, everything in this family will be under my control, and you can't have any opinions."

Jian Haotian, who was immersed in the beauty of his wife wiping his hair, didn't listen to this sentence, and subconsciously responded according to the answer just now, "Well, I listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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