Chapter 20
His leg was injured, but his parents were worried that he would become a disability and would be a drag on the family, so they cruelly wanted to leave him alone.

Jian Jianjun's daughter-in-law glanced at Jian Haotian, who was not in a good mood, and immediately pulled the man sitting beside her, and then shook her head at him when the man looked over.

After Jian Jianjun saw his daughter-in-law's reminder, he immediately looked at Jian Haotian, who had an ugly face, and realized that what he said just now seemed to be pouring salt on his wound.

So he quickly changed his words again, "Haotian, the matter of finding the land you want is on Uncle Jianjun, and Uncle will definitely find you a good-looking and beautiful land."

When Jian Haotian heard his words, the melancholy in his heart quickly disappeared.

"Then thank you uncle for your help." Speaking of this, he remembered another thing, "Uncle, there is one more thing, I want to ask you, is there anyone in our village with more houses?"

After Jian Jianjun listened, he stared at him in confusion before asking, "What's wrong?"

Jian Haotian didn't want to hide the shame for his family at this time, so he said honestly, "My parents told our family of five to move out of the house tomorrow, and I have to build a new house in a short while, and it's impossible to build it all at once. No, so I want to find a place to live first, and when the house is built, I will live in it with my wife and children."

When Jian Jianjun heard this, he scolded Jian's father and Jian's mother again in his heart.

"You asked the right person about this matter. I really know who has the most houses in our village." Jian Jianjun laughed.

"Wen Leibo, do you remember him?" Jian Jianjun asked.

When Jian Haotian heard the name, after thinking about it carefully, he remembered who it was after a while.

"Remember, but will Uncle Wenlai agree to let me move in with my wife and children?" According to his childhood memories, this uncle was an odd man.

Due to some previous events, this uncle was very withdrawn and usually walked alone.

"Don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders. I will go to Wen Leibo to discuss this matter later. As soon as I am sure, I will go to your house to find you." Jian Jianjun said, patting his chest.

Seeing this, Jian Haotian could only smile and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to Uncle."

With that said, Jian Haotian took out a job recruitment resume from his pocket.

"Uncle, I heard that Dongsheng wants to find a job, maybe he can try this job."

Jian Jianjun glanced down at the resume on the desktop, and in the next second, his eyes widened more than half.

"This, this, Haotian, this is too precious, otherwise you should take it back and keep it for yourself." Although Jian Jianjun was reluctant, he still endured the reluctance in his heart to send this recruitment resume Give him a push.

This resume was from a well-known foreign-funded enterprise in the city. This resume is the stepping stone to completely enter this enterprise.

This item is a good item that is hard to buy with money.

Jian Haotian glanced at the resume that was pushed back in front of him again, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and then he pushed it back immediately, this time, he pressed it with his hand, "Uncle, if you don't accept it, Download it, treat what I just said as if I didn’t say it, and I can only ask someone else to help me with this.”

(End of this chapter)

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