Chapter 201 Rice

"No, it really smells like meat, and I smell it too."

Soon, people with good noses followed the scent and saw Li Qiaomu carrying things up the mountain.

"It's the boss, the boss picked up the food and brought it to us." Someone shouted.

Now the big guys realized that the smell of meat they just smelled was not fake, it was real.

And it floated out of the bucket picked up by the boss who delivered food to them.

When Li Dongsheng saw his sister carrying things up the mountain, he immediately put down what he was doing and called a worker to come over and take the things off her shoulders.

Li Qiaomu was also really tired, walking all the way up the mountain, her legs were so sore that she almost didn't feel like her own.

So when Li Dongsheng brought people over to help, she didn't refuse, and happily gave up the two large buckets on her shoulders to them and lifted them up together.

Li Qiaomu followed them up the hill, and when she got closer, she realized that the big guys were all around the two big barrels she picked up with greedy faces.

"Don't stand there stupidly. Take the bowls you brought here, and I'll serve you food and vegetables." Li Qiaomu saw that none of them dared to move, so he voluntarily shouted with a smile.

When she shouted, the workers who were staring at the two vats came back to their senses, one by one hurried to get the plates they brought from home, and then lined up obediently one by one.

Li Qiaomu called Li Dongsheng and Li Chaoyang to help.

Li Qiaomu was in charge of cooking, Li Dongsheng was in charge of cooking, and Li Chaoyang was in charge of maintaining the team.

I was afraid that because some people were afraid that they would not have the turn to order food, they would make trouble, so Li Chaoyang was asked to manage the queue.

When she and Li Dongsheng opened the two bucket lids at the same time to reveal the contents inside, the big guys all gasped in shock.

They actually saw rice in the bucket, as well as vegetables cooked with meat. The meat was fat and thin, but they preferred to eat big fat meat.

Because in their opinion, fat meat not only makes their stomachs full of oil and water, but also gives them the strength to do more work.

Li Qiaomu smiled and yelled to the dumbfounded workers in front, "The ones at the front will be the first ones to get food, and then go to my brother's place to get food after cooking, and just find a place to eat by yourself after cooking." .”

After speaking, Li Qiaomu saw that everyone was still in a daze. After shaking his head and laughing, he called the first person and gave him a plate of rice.

In order for these workers to have the strength to help her do the work on the mountain well, this time, Li Qiaomu paid a lot of money.

The first worker to cook saw the rice on his plate. When he went to cook, he rubbed his eyes two or three times before he could believe that the white rice in front of him was really white.

When he got to the vegetable side, looking at the meat and vegetables stacked on top of the white rice, and the vegetable soup poured on top of it, the roundworms in his stomach were about to come out so greedy.

He carefully carried the packed meals and was about to find a place to squat down to eat, but he was stopped by a worker beside him halfway.

"Old Chen, what kind of food are you ordering here? Let me take a look."

Seeing that his mouth was about to touch his bowl, Lao Chen was so frightened that he quickly hid the food and the bowl behind him, "Go away, go away, I want to see you, don't look Mine, I’m still reluctant to eat it.” You
After finishing speaking, Lao Chen hurriedly hugged it like a baby, found a seat where no one was around, sat down and started eating.

(End of this chapter)

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