Chapter 213 Such a Big Thing

"Third brother and sister, thank you for this method. I know how to do it. Today's incident disturbed you. Let's go back now." Speaking of this, Mrs. Jian took two steps and suddenly turned around again, with a sincere look on her face. Tell Li Qiaomu, "Third brother and sister, I want to apologize to you. My sister-in-law did something wrong in the previous matter. You don't remember villains, please forgive me once."

Li Qiaomu just twitched the corner of his mouth, and didn't say anything about forgiveness or not.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jian naturally understood his attitude. After she smiled, she quickly turned around and left the yard.

Brother Jian was in a hurry at this time, and he panicked when he thought that his unwanted daughter-in-law was going to make trouble in his factory.

In desperation, he had no choice but to look at Jian's father and mother for help, "Dad, Mom, you have to help your son, your eldest daughter-in-law is going to make trouble in the factory, if my factory leads this They will definitely fire me, and you don't want me to lose this job, do you?"

At this time, Jian's mother put her hands on her waist, and cursed at the back Hao who left Aunt Jian, "I think she dares, if she dares to go to your factory to make trouble, let's see how I deal with her."

Father Jian's expression was not very good. When he thought about his family's affairs being seen by outsiders, he felt uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's talk about this matter later, go home, shameful thing." At this time, he didn't want to defend his eldest son anymore.

After saying this, Father Jian left first and then second.

Seeing this, Jian's mother and elder brother Jian glanced at each other, and hurried out with their heels.

As soon as the family left, the air in the yard seemed to sweeten.

Zhou Shuheng hurriedly expressed his opinion at this time, "Ju Jian, don't worry, I will help you hide what happened today, and I won't tell other people in our bureau."

Jian Haotian looked at his appearance with a strong desire to survive, and the corners of his mouth slightly changed, "You can say what you want, and you don't have to hide it for me. Anyway, this thing happened, and it's meaningless to hide it."

Zhou Shuheng had decided that he would not tell anyone, but Jian Ju directly said this to him, which immediately made him very embarrassed. Should he say it or not.

At this moment, the sound of three children coming home sounded outside.

With the last gathering, Zhou Shuheng seems to have a good relationship with the three children in his family.

When the three brothers and sisters saw him coming, they showed a very welcoming attitude.

After chatting for a while, Zhou Shuheng asked the three little guys about their academic performance like an ordinary adult.

Jian Qingyu immediately told him that Jian Qingfeng was going to participate in training in the provincial capital with a bragging face.

When Zhou Shuheng heard this, he immediately looked at the calm Jian Qingfeng with surprise on his face, "Qingfeng, you were actually selected to participate in this competition, okay, not bad, you are quite capable."

Only then did Jian Haotian in the kitchen know that his eldest son had been selected to compete in the provincial capital.

"When did Qingfeng be selected to compete in the provincial capital? Why haven't I heard from you?" He looked at his daughter-in-law next to him with a complaining face and asked.

Li Qiaomu stopped what he was doing, and when he heard his question, he stopped, and after thinking about it seriously, he looked at him and asked, "Didn't I tell you?"

Upon hearing this, Jian Haotian looked at her with even more resentful eyes, "You didn't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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