Chapter 215 Go Back to School

Li Dongsheng waited for Li Qiaomu to send someone back, and immediately inquired about it, "Sister, I just heard from Comrade Zhou that he seems to be here to buy our vegetables again, right?"

Li Qiaomu smiled and nodded, "That's right, he bought it again, and this time he bought a thousand catties. He is a big customer of our family, so please treat him well."

When Li Dongsheng heard it, he immediately smiled like a thief, "I understand, sister."

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiaomu asked Jian Haotian about the last time she asked her to learn how to drive.

As soon as she finished asking, Li Dongsheng, who was still smiling just now, immediately looked towards Jian Haotian nervously.

At this moment, Jian Haotian glanced at him, and soon turned his gaze to his wife's side, "I've already found a good person, just go over there this Saturday and learn."

When Li Dongsheng heard this, he shouted to Jian Haotian excitedly, "Thank you brother-in-law, thank you brother-in-law."

Jian Haotian said to him calmly, "You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank you, go thank your sister."

Li Dongsheng just wanted to thank Li Qiaomu, but before he could say it, Li Qiaosen interrupted him, "You don't need to thank me, just study hard."

"I will definitely study hard, and I will not disappoint you and your brother-in-law." Li Dongsheng patted his chest to promise.

Li Chaoyang on the side was also happy for his uncle, at this moment, he suddenly suppressed the smile on his face, looked at Li Qiaosen seriously, and shouted, "Sister-in-law, I have something to say to you Say."

Li Qiaomu looked at him, saw the expression on his face at a glance, and understood a little in his heart.

"Speak, sister-in-law, listen." She replied.

"Sister-in-law, I, I plan to go back to school to memorize books." Li Chaoyang finished his sentence with a blushing face.

"Really, Chaoyang, you have really made up your mind. That's great. If your parents know about this, they will be very happy." Before Li Qiaomu could speak, Li Dongsheng spoke first.

Li Chaoyang scratched his hair in embarrassment, "I used to think that it would be good to come out earlier to make money, but after I came out, I saw what my sister-in-law and uncle were doing, and the pain of coming out to work, so I knew How important is this knowledge."

"Sister-in-law is knowledgeable and can make money with her flexible mind and knowledge." Li Chaoyang looked at Li Qiaomu with admiration and said.

Li Qiaomu looked at the little nephew with satisfaction, "Chaoyang, the fact that you can think of these things shows that the hard work you did to work this time is not in vain."

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I was not clear-headed before, and I won't in the future." Li Chaoyang made this promise embarrassingly.

Li Qiaomu smiled, "There's nothing I'm sorry about. Sister-in-law didn't do anything to help you. If you can think clearly, it's all up to you."

Speaking of this, Li Qiaomu looked at him and said, "Chaoyang, sister-in-law can't help you with anything else, but if you are admitted to a technical secondary school or university, sister-in-law will help you pay for the tuition."

Li Chaoyang didn't expect his sister-in-law to make such a promise to him, he was startled at first, and then looked towards Jian Haotian with a little fear.

Jian Haotian was born as a soldier, so he immediately discovered Li Chaoyang's little trick.

He immediately smiled and told Li Chaoyang, "Don't look at me, your sister-in-law can make up her own mind on this matter, and in this family, I will always listen to your sister-in-law."

As soon as he said this, everyone present burst into laughter.

In this way, Li Chaoyang returned to Lijia Village the next day.

On the third day after going back, Li Chaoyang went back to school and continued to go to school.

(End of this chapter)

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