Chapter 239 Keep Your Mouth Closed
This son thinks that he is living too comfortably as a father, doesn't he?

Jian Qingyu heard her father's coughing, and went forward to care like a filial son, "Dad, do you feel unwell in your body? If you feel unwell, you can't force yourself to see a doctor."

At this time, Jian Haotian pulled out a smile uglier than crying and rubbed the seeds of the second son's head vigorously, and said to him with bared teeth, "Your father, I thank you for your concern, but if you give this mouth Let me shut up tighter, your father and I will get better soon."

After hearing this sentence, Jian Qingyu scratched her hair, and asked curiously, "Dad, I don't understand. Your discomfort has nothing to do with whether I can close my mouth. Can my mouth help you?" Are you cured?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately made the other people around him laugh.

Jian Qingfeng covered his forehead with one hand, and really didn't want to recognize the boy in front of him as his own brother, because it was too embarrassing.

Li Qiaomu saw the man next to him turn blue and pale for a while, held back a smile and patted his second son's head, "That's right, if you keep your mouth shut, your father's illness will be cured."

When Jian Qingyu heard it, she believed it was true and patted her chest to assure her father, "Dad, don't worry, for your illness to recover quickly, I must keep my mouth shut."

As soon as he said this, the family members burst into laughter again.

Not long after, Li Dongsheng, who was working on the mountain, also heard the news that his sister and brother-in-law had returned.

He hurried back home quickly.

"Sister, brother-in-law, it's true that you are back. I thought those people in the village were spreading the word." Seeing the third sister and third brother-in-law appearing at home, Li Dongsheng excitedly ran to them and said happily.

Jian Haotian nodded to him, didn't say much, and quickly continued with the work he was doing.

Li Dongsheng has long been used to the cold look towards his brother-in-law.

After living in this house for a long time, he could tell that if his cold brother-in-law had other facial expressions, only his third sister could do it.

"Sister, why did you come back so soon this time? I thought it would take another ten and a half months for you to travel this time." Li Dongsheng walked up to Li Qiaomu happily and asked.

Li Qiaomu smiled and handed him a gift, and at the same time replied, "Originally, but there is a friend to help later, so the matter was resolved quickly. Take it, this is a gift for you."

When Li Dongsheng heard that this was a gift for himself, his eyes immediately lit up, "Sister, I have a gift too, I'm not a child, why did you buy me a gift box?"

Hearing his awkward words, Li Qiaomu wanted to tease him, "What's the matter, don't you want it, okay, then I'll take it back."

Before she pretended to receive the gift, the younger brother stopped the gift halfway.

Li Dongsheng saw that the third sister really wanted to take back the gift he gave him, so he quickly reached out to grab it in fright, and at the same time held it in his arms like a baby, "Third sister, you gave it all to me." Now, how can you still want to go back, don't you mean what you say?"

Seeing his incongruity, Li Qiaomu shook his head and smiled.

After Li Dongsheng took the gift box, he couldn't wait to open it and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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