Chapter 244

Speaking of this, Second Brother Jian clenched his fists, his eyes were full of sadness and sadness.

Jian Haotian looked at the angry second brother, and patted him on the back with distress, "Second brother, I still say the same thing, no matter what decision you make, I will stand by your side. If you want to separate, I will do the same. support."

"Thank you, third brother, now I finally understand how you wanted to be separated from that family." Brother Jian said with a choked voice covering his face.

On the other side, Jian's second sister-in-law was also crying and holding Li Qiaomu's hand with red eyes, telling her grievances over the years.

Li Qiaomu listened to what Jian's second sister-in-law said, and hugged her distressedly, "Second sister-in-law, think about the bright side now, if you move out of that house with your second brother this time, it will be a good thing. There will be news.”

After hearing this, Second Sister-in-law Jian's eyes lit up, and then revealed a dim light, "Forget it, I don't ask for this matter anymore, your second brother said, if we never have another child, we will be just the two of them Sisters, we are also willing."

Hearing these words, Li Qiaomu looked at Second Brother Jian differently.

Now this is the era of patriarchal patriarchy, second brother Jian has this idea now, it seems that this man is still responsible.

Next, the young couple talked about the reason why they came to the door this time.

It turned out that they knew that if they proposed to separate the family this time, it is estimated that the old Jane's house would not give them a house to live in.

So they want to ask their young couple to go to Wen Leibo to talk about whether they can rent two empty houses on the west side for them to live in.

Li Qiaomu didn't dare to promise the two of them right away, but just told them, "We're going to discuss this matter with Wen Leibo. After all, this house belongs to them, and they need their consent."

The second brother Jian and the second sister-in-law Jian immediately expressed their understanding.

"We know that it doesn't matter if Wen Leibo refuses, we can think of a way." Brother Jian replied immediately.

The two brothers chatted here for another half an hour before leaving.

Li Qiaomu originally wanted to give a gift to the two children of the second room, but when he thought about the faces of Old Jian and the others, he probably snatched the gift away as soon as it arrived at Old Jian's house.

Instead of taking advantage of those disgusting people, she'd better pack up this gift, and when their family really moved out of Old Jane's house, she could give it to them again.

After sending Brother Jian and his family of four out, the young couple went back to their room to get ready to rest.

On the bed, Li Qiaomu leaned against Jian Haotian's arms and talked about the second brother Jian's family.

"Your parents are really going too far. This time even an honest person like your second brother was forced by them to separate from that family. Your second brother is such an honest person." Li Qiaomu was angry preaching.

Jian Haotian's eyes were dark, "Don't be angry, it's not worth it, don't worry, the two of them will regret it one day."

Seeing these words, Li Qiaomu twitched her lips. Anyway, she just waited for the day when the two elders regretted it.

The next day, Li Qiaomu focused on the batch of electronic products he brought back.

After breakfast, I called Li Dongsheng, and borrowed a tricycle from the village head. The two siblings pushed the tricycle and walked for an hour and a half to reach the city.

Although the siblings were tired, the smiles on the faces of the siblings concealed the tiredness on their faces when they thought about the price these electronic products were sold for.

(End of this chapter)

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