Chapter 253

He Xiao looked at her as if he had found a bosom friend, "Yes, yes, I think so too, if only my partner could think like Comrade Li, she is very angry now that I put the factory in such a good place. The job of the iron rice bowl was resigned."

Li Qiaomu smiled and said to him, "Then you have to explain it to your partner. I believe that if you explain it to her, she will definitely understand your thoughts."

"Well, I will, thank you, Comrade Li." He felt that after talking with Comrade Li, his previously depressed mood seemed to be relieved a lot.

In the afternoon, Li Qiaomu went to Village Chief Jian again and mentioned that he wanted to rent land to grow vegetables.

In the past few days, Village Chief Jian has also heard people in the village mentioning the fact that the vegetables are sold very well.

So now that he heard someone proposed to rent another place, he was very calm.

"Daughter-in-law Haotian, it's not that uncle doesn't want to rent it to you, it's because there is no more vacant land in our village." Village Chief Jian said with a embarrassed expression.

"Recently, people in the village have seen that this kind of vegetables can make money, and the people in the village have planted vegetables in those fields."

Li Qiaosen naturally knew that he was not lying to her. As a member of this village, she naturally knew about these people and the changes in the village.

Recently, a lot of vegetables have been grown in the village.

"Village chief, I know your difficulties, and I also helped you think of a solution to mine." She smiled and told him.

Upon hearing this, Village Chief Jian looked at her curiously, "Oh, Haotian's wife, what do you think of?"

Li Qiaomu dipped his hands in some tea and wrote a few words on the table.

When Village Chief Jian saw the words on it, he looked up at her in surprise, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, that piece of land is sandy, and no one in the village dares to touch it. Are you sure you really want that piece of land?"

Li Qiaomu smiled resolutely, "I'm sure, village head, you know me too. The land at the foot of the mountain was not wanted by the villagers before, and now it's for me to plant well."

When Village Chief Jian heard what she said, he immediately stopped saying anything, because what he said was indeed true.

He had advised others not to buy the land at the foot of the mountain before, but instead of being afraid to take it back, they are still growing it so well.

This kind of thing also did not think of him.

"Do you want to discuss this matter with Haotian, because if this matter is really signed, I think there is no chance to help you regret it." Village Chief Jian asked repeatedly.

"No, generally I'm in charge of family matters, and he's in charge of the bigger matters. After all, he's working now and has a lot of things on hand, so it's not easy to bother him with small things."

The Village Chief Jian at the side opened his mouth when he heard her flirty words. Is this spending money a trivial matter?
But when he thought that this was his family's business, it was really hard for him to manage it as an outsider, so he didn't say anything more.

"Sure, since you have decided to want it, then you can take it, but you must specify in advance that if you rent this land, if you can't plant it at that time, you can't return it." Village Chief Jian said again .

"I know, I promise you that this will not happen." She promised with confidence.

With her guarantee and Jian Haotian's current status, Village Chief Jian didn't hesitate, and soon decided to rent the sandy land at the end of the village to her.

Coming out of the village chief's house, Li Qiaomu looked down at the land lease contract in his hand as he walked, and the arc of his mouth was high.

Her grand plan and great cause have gone a step further.

(End of this chapter)

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