Chapter 257 What do you say?
Li Dongsheng looked at his sister who agreed so readily with a dumbfounded look, and he had a suspicion that he had fallen into some kind of trap set by his sister.

It's a pity that he has no evidence now, just guessing in his heart.

Although Li Dongsheng didn't ride a bicycle very much, his advantage was that he was a man with great strength. He was a bit wobbly when he rode at first. After riding for a while, the front of the bike finally stabilized.

At first, Li Qiaomu was worried about whether he would fall off the car, but fortunately, he was out of danger in the end.

"Sister, I just told you not to worry. Although I don't ride this bicycle very much, I am a person who has learned how to drive. I can drive such a big car well, let alone this small bicycle." He rode so steadily, Li Dongsheng boasted to the third sister behind him with a proud face.

Although he was riding so steadily now, Li Qiaomu was still a little scared, and quickly patted him on the back, "Don't talk, give me a good ride, I don't want to fall on the road."

When Li Dongsheng heard the warning from his third sister, he didn't dare to be complacent, so he quickly grabbed his bicycle.

An hour later, the two siblings finally arrived in the city.

Once in the city, Li Qiaomu asked Li Dongsheng to drive his bicycle to the gate of a steel factory.

Looking at this large steel factory, Li Dongsheng looked at his sister standing beside him in confusion, "Sister San, what are we doing here?"

"You'll know later, don't talk, just listen." Li Qiaomu looked in the direction of the factory.

Li Dongsheng saw that he couldn't get any useful information from his third sister, so he could only lean on his bicycle and wait obediently by his third sister's side.

Fortunately, the siblings waited here not long before a man ran out of it.

Before he stepped forward, the man who came out from inside waved happily at Li Qiaomu and the others.

Li Dongsheng on the side saw this, and said to Li Qiaosen with a slightly awkward expression, "Sister, I think my brother-in-law is pretty good, you can't think of changing my brother-in-law."

Li Qiaomu, who was waving at He Xiao, saw his nonsensical words, and immediately slapped He Xiao on the head angrily.

"What are you talking about? What are you thinking about?" Li Qiao knocked on the top of his head several times in a blunt manner.

Li Dongsheng gritted his teeth in pain, but still looked at Li Qiaomu seriously.

Li Qiaomu ignored him, because He Xiao, who came out of the inside, had already walked in front of them.

"Comrade Li, we meet again. I've already done what you told me this morning. Just come in with me and chat with the factory manager here." He Xiao said.

"Thank you, Comrade He, I, Li Qiaomu, owe you a favor. From now on, my vegetables will be given priority to you." Li Qiaomu said to him with a smile.

When He Xiao heard her promise, his face brightened, "That's really great, thank you, Comrade Li, then I will accept your promise without hesitation."

Li Dongsheng on the side listened to the speech of the two of them, and the more he listened, the more he became a little confused, why he couldn't understand.

Li Qiaomu glanced at Li Dongsheng who was beside him with disgust, and then introduced to He Xiao, "This is my third brother."

"It turned out to be Comrade Li's younger brother, no wonder he is so talented." He Xiao praised.

When Li Dongsheng heard this, it was the first time for him to be praised as a good-looking talent. He was a little embarrassed, and he waved his hands with a smile and said, "Where, I am just average."

(End of this chapter)

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