Chapter 27 Confused

At this time, Jian Haotian looked at their so-called family members with a calm face, and replied generously, "Yes, I have a quota in my hand to enter a factory in the city. Uncle Jianjun helped me so much this time. What's wrong with giving Dongsheng a spot?"

"What's the matter, you prodigal son, do you know how important a quota in a city is? It's hard to buy something with money. If you don't want it, you give it to your elder brother. Your elder brother wants it." Jane Mother cursed loudly.

Brother Jian looked at the third brother with a gloomy expression, and felt that the third brother didn't treat them like family members.

He actually gave such a good job opportunity to someone else.

Jian Haotian looked at the two greedy faces of the family in front of him, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I can give my things to whoever I want, and none of you have the right to say anything."

"Mom, although we are separated, it is said that my family of five will move out from this house tomorrow. As long as I don't move out of this house, I will still be a member of this family. Now you don't even leave dinner for our family. , What's the matter, you don't intend to recognize my son, do you?" He coldly glanced at the empty plates on the table.

Just as Jian's mother was about to open her mouth, her arm was suddenly stopped by her wife.

Father Jian glared at his wife who was still about to talk, and then said with a fair smile, "Haotian, what are you talking about, it doesn't matter whether you are separated or not, you are all members of our family, and you are still Me and your mother's son, this fact will never change."

Li Qiaomu at the side twitched his mouth slightly when he heard this sound-sounding sentence.

The corners of Jian Haotian's mouth hooked up slightly, and his clear eyes flashed, "Okay, I'm satisfied with my father's words. In this case, our family hasn't had dinner yet, so I want to make a meal with the things at home. Dinner, as a family, I should have this right."

Mother Jian wanted to open her mouth again, but just as she was about to speak, she received a terrible warning look from her wife.

Father Jian smiled and said kindly, "Of course, you can cook whatever you want. You just need to know that the people in this family will always be your family. You must think about the people in this family when you go out in the future." ,do you know?"

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he secretly glanced at the father-in-law. He had to say that in this family, this father-in-law really existed like an old fox.

Jian Haotian twitched the corner of his mouth indifferently, "Don't worry, Dad, I will remember everything you said."

And what they did to his family, he also remembered it in his heart.

With Jian's father's consent, Jian Haotian quickly took the hand of his wife beside him, turned and left the main room.

As soon as the young couple walked out, Jian's mother complained softly to Jian's father.

"What's the matter with you? Why do you agree to let them use the food at home to make dinner? You have forgotten how their young couple treated us, have you?"

Father Jian's face was sullen, and he looked in the direction of the door without saying a word.

At this time, Brother Jian found Jian's father who was silent, so he quickly pulled away Jian's mother who was still about to talk, and shook his head at her.

Seeing the elder son's action, Jian's mother turned her head slowly, only to find that the old man beside her had a strange expression on his face.

"You also heard just now that Haotian gave a job to the city to Dongsheng without telling us." After a while, the voice of Jian's father came.

(End of this chapter)

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