"Alright then, I'll go home now." Li Dongsheng immediately put down his work and stood up and said.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu stopped him, "Why are you in such a hurry, let's talk after dinner."

Li Dongsheng had no choice but to go back and cook lunch with his sister.

After lunch, Li Dongsheng drove towards Lijia Village.

When he arrived at Lijia Village, it was already half an hour later.

As soon as the big truck entered the village, it was like entering Jian's Village, and attracted many villagers to watch.

When the villagers in Lijia Village saw that Li Dongsheng was sitting in the car, they all had surprised expressions on their faces.

Li Dongsheng stopped for a while to greet the villagers.

It was obviously a short way home, but he insisted on walking for more than ten minutes.

When he got home, the Li family heard movement at the door of the house and came out to take a look. Everyone in the Li family was also taken aback by the big truck in front of them.

"Hey, where did this big car come from?" Brother Li asked, looking at the little brother in front of him, stammering.

Li Dongsheng sat in the car and didn't get off immediately. He shouted to the family members standing under the car, "My sister bought it."

When the Li family heard the news, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Big Brother Li and Second Brother Li looked at this younger brother enviously.

After all, man, who doesn't want to be able to drive by himself.

Seeing the surprise of his family members, Li Dongsheng got out of the car with a smug smile.

"Big brother, second brother, my sister asked me to come back this time because I have something for you to do, and it's a good thing. Come in with me and talk about it." After getting off the car, Li Dongsheng preached to the two brothers in front of him.

As soon as they heard that the third sister wanted the younger brother to come back and talk to them, Brother Li and Second Brother Li hurriedly followed the younger brother in front of them into the house.

Father Li, Mother Li and the Li family brothers entered the house, while the children stayed outside to watch the big car.

After sitting down, Li Dongsheng didn't tell the news he brought back immediately, but drank a glass of water first.

"Have you finished your drink? Let's get down to business. Why did your sister ask you to come back?" Father Li asked, looking at the leisurely young son.

Li Dongsheng embarrassedly put down the cup in his hand, smiled and started talking to the big guy, "Dad, Mom, eldest brother, second brother, let me ask how many lobsters are there in our village now?"

Although the Li family didn't know why he asked this question carefully, Brother Li was the first to answer his question, "You have only been away from home for a few days, and you don't even know how many disasters there are in our village. no?"

Li Dongsheng smiled at the big brother, "Brother, I'm just asking, besides, I have been away from home for a while, so I don't know what has changed during my absence."

At this time, Father Li interrupted the younger son's smiling face anxiously, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and get down to business. Why did your third sister ask you to come back this time?"

When Li Dongsheng heard his old father's angry words, he didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and hurriedly told the serious things he brought.

"That's how things are. I don't know what kind of plan Sanjie is planning, but you also know that Sanjie is a formidable person. I believe that since she arranged it like this, she must have thought of some good way. Anyway, I think it’s right to believe what Third Sister says and do it.”

After he finished speaking, the Li family hall was quiet.

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