Because they came here with a purpose this time, the eldest son confessed that she could not make the younger son and that woman angry when she came here.

Just when Jane's mother was so angry that her chest hurt, she suddenly heard the voice of her youngest son talking to her, "Let's go."

Before Mother Jian could recover, she was ripped off by the eldest granddaughter beside her.

It was only then that Jian's mother came back to her senses, and followed her youngest son to a small corner with a silly look on her face.

"Tell me, what do you want to tell me?" After standing still, Jian Haotian asked directly without talking about anything.

Looking at the cold little son in front of her, Jane's mother felt very uncomfortable, and for a moment she forgot what the older son had told her before.

"Stinky boy, is this how you treat my own mother now? I'm your own mother, and you treat me worse than a stranger." At this time, her tone of voice was full of complaints.

When Jian Haotian heard this, his bushy eyebrows raised lightly, "You came to me just to say this?"

Seeing that he was still so indifferent to her as a mother, Jian's mother became even more angry. Just as she was about to yell at him again, suddenly a corner of her clothes was gently pulled from the side.

Mother Jian looked sideways, only to realize that the person pulling her clothes just now was none other than her eldest granddaughter Jian Xiang who came with her.

At this time, Jian Xiang really wanted to pull this Jian's mother out of here, who had done more than succeed.

Obviously, when the two of them came over, her father had told her this grandma thousands of times.

You must be humble when you ask her grandma to come here, and don't annoy her, the third uncle. Fortunately, as soon as she came here, her grandma forgot what her father told her, and directly confronted her, the third uncle. Start cursing.

Mother Jian saw how her eldest granddaughter kept blinking at her, and she felt as if a plate of cold water had been poured over her head, and her mind suddenly woke up, remembering what the eldest son told her when they came out matter.

At this time, Jane's mother really wished that there was a place for her to hide now, and if her eldest son found out that she had done these things later, he would definitely grab her, a mother, and yell at her.

Soon, Jane's mother realized that the only person who could save her at this time was the little son in front of her.

In an instant, Jian Haotian saw that his mother, who looked like she wanted him just now, suddenly seemed to be a different person.

Now he is facing him and starting to please him in every possible way, "Third son, you were raised by your mother with shit and urine, you can't stop me as a mother just because you only have a daughter-in-law, and you don't want me either. Just listen to your daughter-in-law, in this world, only your mother is the best for you."

At this moment, Li Qiaomu, who was hiding behind the door and eavesdropping, rolled his eyes bluntly when he heard Jian's mother's shameless words.

If it wasn't because she still wanted to hear what the old lady Jane was doing, she would have to rush out and grab the old lady by the collar to teach her a good lesson.

But fortunately, these provocative words of hers did not cause any disturbance in Jian Haotian's heart. At this moment, he looked at his mother who was talking about the past things in front of him as if his heart was still.

"Mom, if you want to talk about my childhood, forget it. I remember that my grandma always took me with me when I was young. As for you and your father, you two don't seem to care about me. Bar."

When Jian's mother was interrupted by him, a embarrassed expression appeared on her old face.

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