Chapter 281 It Must Be Like This
Li Qiaomu on the side heard this, sneered, and patted Jian Haotian's arm, who was frowning and didn't know what he was thinking, with sympathy, "Jian Haotian, you have to prepare well, probably tomorrow at the latest, you That pair of parents can come to your door and beg you to let their big son go."

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law helplessly, although he knew that what his daughter-in-law said was 100% likely to happen, but when she said it, he felt a little weird.

"I'm still wrong. If you don't believe what I said, how about we make a bet." Seeing that he still looked at himself, Li Qiaomu immediately spoke to him.

Jian Haotian replied helplessly, "No need, I believe what you said."

The corner of Li Qiaomu's mouth curved, and he patted his shoulder again with a sympathetic expression.

She felt a little sympathetic to this man, and the benefits of the family were not reaped, but as long as something happened to that family, he would be the first person his parents thought of helping to solve it.

At this time, a bold thought flashed in Li Qiaomu's mind, "Jian Haotian, do you think you are not born to your parents, or they treat you and your elder brother so differently."

When Jian Haotian heard her words, he looked at her helplessly, "Don't talk nonsense, this is simply impossible."

Li Qiaomu snorted softly, "That's not sure, otherwise, why would your parents treat you so badly?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the sound of Jian's father and Jian's mother approaching noisyly from outside.

Li Qiaomu immediately cast a sympathetic look at the man beside him for the first time, "How about it, Cao Cao Cao Cao is really here."

Jian Haotian pampered the top of her head twice.

"Don't touch it, you'd better think about how to deal with the two old people who came in from outside." Li Qiaomu shook his hand away rudely.

As he was talking about these two people, he immediately saw two figures walking in from the gate of his house, they were Jian's father and Jian's mother.

Jian's father walked in front with a serious face, while Jian's mother followed behind crying.

Behind Jian's mother are Jian's mother-in-law and Jian Xiang's daughter.

As soon as Jian's mother saw Jian Haotian standing in the yard, she rushed towards Jian Haotian as if seeing a savior.

Li Qiaomu on the side offered her the seat when she pounced on him.

Jian's mother rushed over and hugged Jian Haotian tightly, and said with tears, "Sir, you must save your elder brother, he was arrested in the police station, just now the police station called the team, saying that you Brother was arrested for gambling, what should we do, how could he gamble, someone must have framed your brother, it must be like this."

When Jian Haotian, who was listening with a blank face, heard Jian's mother's last words, his expression immediately became a little ugly, and he interrupted her unfinished sentence with a displeased face, "Mom, I don't want to say such words from your mouth again. The second time I heard it, the comrades working in our bureau pay attention to evidence before arresting people, if the eldest brother did not do anything illegal, our colleagues in the bureau would definitely not arrest him for no reason."

Jian's mother wanted to say something more, and suddenly her arm was pulled down by Jian's father beside her.

Jian's mother saw that the person pulling her was Jian's father, so she closed her mouth unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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