Chapter 288

As soon as the old couple came in, they yelled out where their youngest son was.

When the big guys heard the identities of the two of them, they naturally treated each other politely.

The old couple was soon arranged to meet Brother Jane.

At this time, the whole person seemed to be a completely different person. When Brother Jian saw Father Jian and Mother Jian, he immediately ran over from the corner as if stumbling, and shouted with horror on his face, "Dad, Mom, help me, please help me!" I don't want to stay here, I want to get out, I want to get out."

When Jian's father and Jian's mother saw their eldest son like this, the couple's heart ached to death.

Jian's mother even grabbed the elder son's hand and cried, "Son, how did you become like this, mom looks so distressed."

Brother Jian shook off Mother Jian's hand vigorously, looked towards Father Jian, and cried to Father Jian with peeling lips, "Dad, please help me and ask my third brother to help me and let me out, I will I don't want to live here, it's horrible, there are rats walking around here at night."

Father Jian looked at the elder son in such a state, his eyes were full of distress, "Boss, why are you so confused, why do you do things like gambling, you know that you can't touch such things, why do you do that. "

Brother Jian was crying with snot and tears, "Dad, I know I was wrong. I was just delusional at the time, and I didn't know what was going on. After being said a few words, I didn't know anything. I just want to make some money to support you and my mother."

When Jian's father and Jian's mother heard that the elder son's words were all for them, they hated the third son who refused to save the elder son even more in their hearts.

"Son, as soon as we received the news of your accident, we went to find your heartless third brother, but he refused to let you out even if he died. Your father and I went to his place to make trouble. , but he refuses to agree, and we have nothing to do." Jian's mother told the eldest son with tears all over her face.

Brother Jian looked at Father Jian in disbelief, "Dad, is what my mother said true? My third brother really wants to see me die, how can he do this, I'm his big brother , how could he treat me like this?"

At this time, Jian's father had a gloomy old face, "What your mother said is true. We went to find your third brother, and he refused to show his face to get you out of here."

When Brother Jian heard the shocking news, he couldn't stand still and fell to the ground and sat down.

Jian's mother was startled by the eldest son's appearance, and quickly grabbed his hand, "Son, don't scare mom, what's wrong with you?"

Brother Jian is still in the mood to take care of his own mother at this time, all that flashes in his mind now is that he is going to die, if his third brother doesn't save him, then he is here to stay.

Thinking of the torment of this night, Brother Jian felt as if the sky above his head was about to collapse.

No matter how Jian's father and Jian's mother talked to the elder son, the elder son seemed to have lost his soul and refused to say a word to them.

Brother Jian didn't say a word until the two elders were invited out by the people in the bureau.

Mother Jian wiped her tears as she came out, and murmured, "What should I do, why is my son so miserable, my son, what should I do."

Although Jian's father didn't say anything, his face was also very ugly, and he once again complained in his heart about his third son who refused to help.

(End of this chapter)

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