Chapter 293 Why are you so nice to me
Although they live here quite well, they still want to have a home of their own.

"I see, thank you village chief, I'll go to find you tomorrow." Jian Haotianjun said to village chief Jian with unconcealed joy on his face.

"Why are you being so polite? The job of that stinky boy in my family is thanks to you. Because of the job you introduced, that kid has now talked to someone in the city." Speaking of this happy event, the smile on Village Chief Jian's face concealed Can't hide it either.

Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian were also happy for Village Chief Jian, and the young couple congratulated in unison.

After that, the three of them chatted for a while before Village Chief Jian left.

After Village Chief Jian went back, the young couple had just talked about the arrangement of the land when they suddenly saw a figure standing behind them for an unknown amount of time.

"Wen Leibo, why are you standing there, come and sit down quickly." Li Qiaomu stepped forward and helped the old man come over and sit down.

Wen Leibo looked unhappy.

Li Qiaomu was the first to notice the strangeness of the old man, so he secretly bumped Jian Haotian who was sitting next to him with his arm, and motioned him to take a look at Wen Leibo.

Jian Haotian followed the direction of his wife's gestures, and soon noticed this strange thing about Wen Leibo.

Jian Haotian, who was born as a detective, quickly thought of the reason for Wen Leibo's displeasure.

"Wen Leibo, did you hear what the village chief told us?" Jian Haotian looked at the old man and asked directly.

Wen Leibo looked up at him, and then said, "It will be a matter of time before your family moves out. After all, not many young people are willing to live with a widowed old man. If I were a young man, I would unwilling."

Hearing this, Li Qiaomu understood the reason why the old man was unhappy.

Immediately, Qiao Qiao looked at him with a dumbfounding expression on her face, "Old man, you are unhappy because we want to buy the land."

Wen Leibo glared at her and said nothing, but the expression on the old man's face seemed to be aggrieved.

Li Qiaomu was amused by his appearance.

"Old man, sit down, we need to discuss something with you." Li Qiaomu helped him to sit down.

Wen Leibo still had a trace of displeasure on his old face.

Li Qiaomu smiled, and exchanged glances with Jian Haotian, a helpless smile flashed in the eyes of the young couple.

"Old man, I discussed it with Jian Haotian a long time ago. If our family really builds our own house by then, we will also bring you there. You, you will live with our family in the future, and we will take care of you."

Wen Leibo looked up at the couple in surprise after hearing her words.

After seeing the couple finished talking about this matter, they kept smiling on their faces, and it didn't look like they were talking to coax him at all.

"You, you, why are you so nice to me, an old man?" He looked at the couple with a choked voice and asked.

Li Qiaomu squatted beside him, "It's you who are so kind to our family. Back then, our family was kicked out by the old Jane's family, and we didn't even have a place to live. If you didn't rent a few rooms of your house for our family to settle down, Our family doesn’t even know which dilapidated house we live in now.”

Wen Leibo's eyes turned red immediately, "I also accepted your rent."

"What kind of rent is that little money? Speaking of it, don't think we don't know that you are helping us secretly. In our hearts, you are no different from our relatives."

(End of this chapter)

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