Chapter 307 Waking Up Is a Mystery

Li Qiaoxin took the tissue from the younger sister, wiped away the tears on her cheeks, and then talked about her difficulties with the relatives in front of her.

"Sister, where is my brother-in-law now?" Li Dongsheng asked with clenched fists when he heard this.

"Lying in the hospital, the doctor said, if we don't make enough medical expenses, your brother-in-law will be sent out of the hospital and can no longer be treated." Speaking of this, Li Qiao's eyes turned red again impatiently .

Li Qiaomu looked down at the money he had earned from selling lobsters not long ago. After a bit of pain, he finally raised his head and said to Li Qiaoxin, "Second sister, don't worry, we won't just sit and watch brother-in-law get invited out." For the hospital, we will go to the hospital to pay the medical expenses later."

"But I don't have any money." Li Qiao lowered her head in embarrassment.

"We have money." Li Qiaomu patted his bulging bag in front of her.

Li Qiao took a closer look and quickly shook her head, "No, no, I can't use your money, and your money didn't come from a strong wind, so I can't take your money."

Li Dongsheng shouted at Li Qiaoxin a little angrily at this time, "Second sister, can you wake up, what time is it now, you are still thinking about whether you can use our money, our task now is to cure brother-in-law .”

At this time, Li Qiaomu gave his little brother a rare approval.

Li Dongsheng saw his third sister's eyes cast towards him, and immediately stood up with his head held high.

Li Qiaomu wanted to continue speaking at this time, "Second Sister, Dong Sheng is right. The most important thing now is brother-in-law's injury. We must heal his injury first, which is the most important thing."

Li Qiaoxin looked at the relatives in front of him who were so dedicated to helping her, and then thought about the faces of the family of her in-laws, one day at a time.

"Okay, I'll thank you on behalf of your brother-in-law." Li Qiao held the hands of the younger siblings in front of her with red eyes.

After eating, several people came out of the restaurant.

"Let's go by car." Li Qiaomu said to Li Qiaoxin who was about to carry the child.

"By car?" As soon as the words fell, she immediately saw a large truck driving in front of them.

Then she saw her little brother sitting on the van.

"Second Sister, let's get in the car." Li Qiaomu pulled the dazed Li Qiaoxin to sit in the back of the car.

It wasn't until the car started and walked a long way that Li Qiaoxin slowly came back to his senses. He looked at Sanmei who was sitting beside him and asked, "Sanmei, does this car belong to you?"

"It's our own, and the ones we bought were eliminated from the factory." Li Qiaomu replied with a smile.

The two children who had never been in a car sat in the car, their little faces changed from fear at the beginning to curiosity now.

Soon to the hospital.

Under Li Qiaoxin's leadership, Li Qiaomu and Li Dongsheng finally met this brother-in-law.

It's just that he is still unconscious now, and his head is also wrapped in gauze, which looks a little scary.

Li Qiaomu specifically went to the doctor in charge of the brother-in-law to ask about the situation.

Because the patient was hit on the head, he is still in a coma. As for when he will wake up, the doctor can't give the correct answer.

Li Qiaomu paid 2000 yuan for medical expenses.

In the end, another nurse was hired in this hospital to take care of the brother-in-law.

When Li Qiaoxin learned about this, she disagreed and said, "No need, little sister, you have already helped us a lot, how can we use your money to hire a nurse."

(End of this chapter)

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