Chapter 318 Who Are You Thinking Of?

Li Dongsheng immediately sat up straight and replied, "Third Sister, you can rest assured that the lobster business is still booming, and the senior executive who made the first big order with us now adds another hundred catties to me every day. "

"That's pretty good. Are you busy coming here now?" Li Qiaomu glanced at the smiling and happy younger brother, always feeling that she seemed to have lost a lot of weight after engaging in this lobster business.

Li Dongsheng was taken aback when he heard this, and then shook his head a little embarrassedly, "Sister, to tell you the truth, I'm really overwhelmed here."

Li Qiaomu gave him a blank look, "If I don't ask you this question, you are planning to bear it by yourself."

After Li Dongsheng was caught out of this subterfuge, his face was full of embarrassment, "Sister, I'm busy seeing you, how can I bother you all the time, you have already helped me enough."

After hearing his polite words, Li Qiaomu rolled his eyes at him unceremoniously again, "No matter how busy I am, I'm still your own sister. I've already thought of a way for you to do this. You can recruit one or two more people here. Please help me, although you want to make money, you must also take care of your body, the body is the capital of your work."

"I, can I also recruit someone to help?" Li Dongsheng asked with a look of disbelief.

He is a part-time worker. He never thought that one day he would be able to recruit others to work for him. Why does this matter feel like a dream to him?

Seeing his stupidity, Li Qiaomu raised his hand and patted him on the back with a look of dumbfounding, "Why can't you, why are you so surprised?"

Li Dongsheng was still smiling like a little fool when he was beaten, "Sister, I, I am a part-time worker, I, I can still be the boss?"

Li Qiaomu wanted to hear his self-introduction, and rolled his eyes at him in a funny way, "Who is not a migrant worker, and I am also a migrant worker."

"Think about what kind of people you want to recruit to help you. As for the salary, you have to think about it yourself."

Li Dongsheng originally thought that recruiting people was quite fun, but now that his third sister said so, and there were so many other things, he suddenly felt that recruiting people was quite tiring.

"Third sister, I'm afraid I can't do it, or you can help me recruit." Li Dongsheng looked at her pitifully.

Li Qiaomu smiled in a low voice, without hesitation, he directly rejected his request, "I can't help you with this matter, you will experience this kind of thing one day, don't be afraid, think about your sister and me before Whatever you do, I'm sure you can do it."

When Li Dongsheng heard this, he pursed his lips. After thinking for half a minute, he suddenly thought of someone, "Sister, I seem to have thought of someone who can help me with this."

Li Qiaomu looked at him with a smile and said, "Look, you have already thought of who you want to recruit."

Li Dongsheng touched his head embarrassingly, "I just thought of it just now."

Li Qiaomu smiled and didn't say much, but continued to ask about the person he wanted to recruit, "Who do you think of?"

"You know a good brother of mine, Li Tiangang. He used to follow me and call you Third Sister." Li Dongsheng said with bright eyes.

Li Qiaomu wanted to listen to the third brother's words, and thought for a while. I'm sorry, but she didn't remember who Li Tiangang was talking about in her little brother's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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