Chapter 320 Finally Coming

Zhou Bo looked at the angry daughter-in-law, stepped forward to shake her hand, and comforted her, "Don't be angry, maybe they are in trouble now, and we will go back when I am almost recovered from my injury."

Li Qiaoxin immediately said, "I won't go back, you have to go back by yourself, I will stay here with the children."

Zhou Bo raised his head and looked at her when he heard his wife's words, "What do you mean, daughter-in-law, do you want me to go back to my hometown alone?"

"It's not that I want you to go back alone, it's you who want to go back by yourself. I have no choice but to stay here and work with my two children alone, but if you don't want to go back alone, you can stay too. "

Zhou Bo suddenly looked embarrassed, "How can this work? If I stay, what will happen to my hometown?"

"My hometown, my hometown, can you stop thinking about your hometown all the time, look at you now, you have been in the hospital these days, have people from your hometown come to see you once?" Seeing that he kept mentioning his hometown The person over there, Li Qiaoxin finally couldn't help getting angry at him and said.

Zhou Bo looked at the suddenly angry daughter-in-law, was startled, and opened his mouth, "Daughter-in-law, why are you so angry?"

"I was annoyed by you and those people from your hometown. Let me tell you, Zhou Bo, if you want to go back to your hometown, I won't stop you, but don't think about me and the children going back with you. We are Won't be going back."

After saying this, Li Qiao turned around and left the room without looking at the distraught man in front of him.

Today, a late visitor came to Xinjian's house.

Deputy Director Liu rode a bicycle to Jian's house and found Li Qiaomu directly.

After Li Qiaomu heard his self-introduction, he immediately glanced at him with great interest.

Interesting, after waiting for so many days, this person came to her door only now. She has been silent for so long, and she thought that he had already dismissed this matter.

I didn't expect people to find it at the end.

"It turned out to be Deputy Director Liu. I heard Jian Haotian mentioned your name. Come in and sit." Li Qiaomu led him in with enthusiasm.

Seeing the enthusiasm on his face, Deputy Bureau Liu felt a little flustered, why did he feel that Jian Haotian's wife seemed to be waiting for him to come.

After sitting down, Li Qiaomu immediately told him about his troubles in order to let others have a chance to talk about the serious matter.

"Deputy Bureau Liu, you don't know that I spent a lot of money renting and buying land in order to make my family's life better. Recently, our family has to build a house. There are too many opportunities to spend money. gone."

In fact, what she meant was to let him give money if he wanted to.

Even if she can't have it, even if it's fun, it's pretty good.

After hearing her words, Deputy Director Liu was stunned again. Why did he feel that someone was digging a hole for him to jump into.

After talking about this, Li Qiaomu smiled and drank his tea while staring at him with tasteful eyes.

Deputy Director Liu rubbed the shoulders on both sides, and decided to ignore it, and let's talk about it after finishing the business.

"Comrade Li, I'm very sorry for your difficulties. How about this? As Comrade Jian Haotian's colleague, since I know it, I can't just ignore it, can't I?"

When Li Qiaomu hears this, his heart is as bright as fireworks. Could it be that the plot she wanted is finally coming, this man is going to bribe her!

(End of this chapter)

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