Chapter 322 Is Unemployment
After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and went to the house to take out the bag of money that was hidden, and the document by the way.

"Hey, this document was told by Deputy Director Liu that I must ask you to sign it." She pointed to the document and said.

Upon hearing this, Jian Haotian immediately opened the document with black eyebrows twisted, and after seeing the contents clearly, his expression became more serious.

Seeing him like this, Li Qiaomu inquired curiously, "What is the content of this document? If you really signed it, what kind of punishment will you receive?"

"I'll go to jail! Do you know what crime Boss Zhong's brother-in-law committed?" He closed the document.

Li Qiaomu glanced at the closed document, "I don't know what crime he committed, I'm not your staff, I can know!"

Jian Haotian grabbed her hand and apologized, "Blame me, I'm used to being in the bureau, I'm used to people around me thinking they are colleagues."

"Boss Zhong's brother-in-law is the big boss of this anti-criminal campaign. The higher-ups attach great importance to this anti-criminal campaign, and they plan to make an example of others through this incident. If I sign the document above this time Words, I don’t even think about taking this position, and I might be taken as an accomplice of someone else and thrown into jail.”

After hearing what he said, Li Qiaomu immediately understood the seriousness of this matter.

"This guy surnamed Liu is really not a thing. He took such a big pit and asked me to let you jump. Fortunately, we are on guard against him, otherwise we will really fall into his pit." Li Qiaomu Gritting his teeth, he scolded the man surnamed Liu several times.

Jian Haotian patted the back of her hand and comforted her, "Don't be angry, this time he's dead too, with these two pieces of evidence, he won't even think about turning over this time."

When Li Qiaomu heard the good news, the anger on his face gradually disappeared, "He deserves it, he has such a bad heart, and he still does those bad things. If he doesn't take the gun, it will be cheaper for him."

Jian Haotian lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "I'm not home for lunch, I have to hand in these things, and I don't know when I'll be back at night, don't wait for me to sleep, go to sleep first."

Li Qiaomu knew that he must be very busy now, so when he left, he took his hand and explained, "I know you must be busy with a lot of things now, but you have to promise me to eat out on time, And take care of yourself, my children and I are at home waiting for you to come back."

When Jian Haotian, who was wearing a police uniform, heard her words of concern, his heart softened, and he lowered his head and swallowed the alluring red lips in front of him.

The two didn't know how long they kissed before they parted reluctantly.

Jian Haotian got on his bicycle and left home.

Li Qiaomu watched his leaving back at the door, until his back disappeared at the entrance of the village, then he looked away, and returned home to continue to work on the matter at hand.

During lunch, the three children asked about their father who usually eats at home.

Li Qiaomu, who knew everything, naturally did not tell them the three small truths, but chose an explanation that the three of them could accept.

"Your father has some things to deal with today, and he probably won't be able to come back on time today. The three of you should be more obedient at home."

"Mom, is my dad about to lose his job?" Jian Qingyu asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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