Chapter 328

Jian Haotian, who was just about to say the result, looked at his daughter-in-law who was right in front of him, and suddenly smiled, "Why is my daughter-in-law so smart?"

"My daughter-in-law is so smart." As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Qingyu's imitative words came from behind, and the tone was indescribable.

Li Qiaomu blushed, and glared at the mischievous son from embarrassment, "Boy, is the skin too loose?"

As she said that, she looked at the eldest son beside her, "Qingfeng arranges more homework for your brother and lets him do it."

Jian Qingfeng, who seemed to have guessed that it would be this one, responded calmly, "Okay, Mom."

"Copy this page and this page, and this page three times for me." Soon he saw him assigning homework unceremoniously.

Seeing that she had to copy four or five pages of text, Jian Qingyu suddenly felt like the sky was about to fall, "Brother, brother, you are my real brother, you are my good big brother, please forgive me."

"No, this is what Mom ordered. I can't give you water." Jian Qingfeng said without negotiating.

"Brother, good big brother, my good big brother." Jian Qingyu continued to make a pitiful cry, begging Jian Qingfeng, the big brother.

Not far away, Li Qiaomu covered his mouth and secretly laughed when he heard his second son begging for mercy.

Jian Haotian listened to his daughter-in-law's happy laughter, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "I don't know who this brat looks like, he's so afraid of studying."

Li Qiaomu covered his mouth and glanced at him, "Who else can I look like? Of course I look like you. Anyway, when I was young, I liked reading very much."

Jian Haotian opened his mouth, finally nodded and smiled, "It might be like me."

Seeing his reluctance, Li Qiaomu covered his mouth and smiled again, and began to ask him about business, "What did you want to say before?"

At this time, Jian Haotian also remembered the serious matter he was about to say, "Our bureau is going to buy a batch of vegetables from you, and we plan to distribute them as New Year's gifts to everyone."

When Li Qiaomu heard that it was such a good thing, his eyes lit up, "Then the money?"

"According to the market price, don't worry, we won't suffer." He said with a smile.

"That's good. When you need it, just send someone to notify us."

At night, Jian Haotian returned to the room after taking a shower, and saw his wife sitting on the bed and counting the accounts.

Out of curiosity, he stepped forward to take a look, and happened to see one of the numbers, and instantly he couldn't help hissing.

When Li Qiaomu heard his inhalation, he thought that the man was in some pain, so he stopped the action of reckoning, and looked at him with concern, "What's wrong, did you hit something?"

Jian Haotian shook his head, still staring at the ledger in her hand, "It didn't hurt, I was shocked by the amount in your ledger."

Speaking of this, he held her face and said, "Daughter-in-law, although I know you are good at making money, I really didn't expect you to be so good at making money. The amount on your account is more than what I have earned in these years." .”

After listening to his words, Li Qiaomu realized why he was inhaling just now, and he couldn't tell him whether to laugh or cry, "Although I earn a lot, I also spend a lot. Don't look at me with such a large account. But there’s not much money available.”

In order not to let this man think that this family does not need him, he continued to coax him, "So, the most important thing in this family is you, the man. You are the head of our family."

(End of this chapter)

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