Chapter 331

Jian Qingyu touched her head and laughed twice.

Li Qiaomu, who was frying meatballs inside, heard the movement and came out, just in time to see Jian Haotian who came back with big bags and small bags.

"Are you going to buy new year's goods_x0010_?" Li Qiaomu stepped forward to help.

Jian Haotian dodged her outstretched hand, "No, just watch, I'll take it."

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu smiled and followed him into the main room.

Putting the things away, Jian Haotian smiled and took out a cigarette and gave it to Wen Leibo who was drinking tea.

"This cigarette is just right for you to smoke regularly, take it back and smoke slowly, but not too much." Jian Haotian added this sentence when he handed the cigarette over.

Wen Leibo held the cigarette with a smile, "This is a good cigarette, this thing is quite expensive."

"I don't know. The New Year's goods distributed by the bureau performed well last year, and this time there are more New Year's goods." Jian Haotian took out the New Year's goods brought back.

When he got it back, he turned around and stuffed something into his pocket.

Although his movements were fast, the children who were watching around him still caught him straight.

Jian Qingyu looked eagerly at the thing hidden by her father, "Dad, what did you hide just now, show it to us guys."

Jian Haotian looked at the eager-eyed second son in front of him, his hands were itchy with anger, he raised his hand and knocked on the top of his head again, "What are you looking at, there are so many things here that are not enough for you to see, right?"

Jian Qingyu touched his head, "These things are not good-looking, I just want to see this thing you hid." Having said that, he turned his head to look at his brother and sister behind him, "Brother, sister, tell me, what do you want to see?" Don't want to see what Dad just hid."

Jian Qingfeng and Jian Meimei looked at each other, and they both replied in unison, "No, we don't want to watch."

Jian Qingyu never expected that the brother and sister in front of her were not on the same front as her.

"You, how can you two be like this, we are brothers and sisters, we share blessings and difficulties together, how could you not want to see it, you must want to see it." After finishing speaking, he winked at the two of them desperately Eye.

Jian Qingfeng looked at his younger brother who was still on the verge of death, and twitched his mouth, "No, you are wrong, my sister and I don't think at all."

Jian Haotian patted the elder son on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then looked at the second son earnestly, "Boy, if your head is half as smart as your elder brother, I will be relieved."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the second son could understand what he meant, he turned and left here.

Jian Qingyu looked at the figure of his father going out to find his mother. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately turned his head to look at his eldest brother and younger sister, "I said that you two are too disloyal. You didn't choose to stand on the same side as me for such a big matter. Online, I'm so disappointed."

"If you want to die, don't drag me and my sister. My sister and I still want to live this year in peace." Jian Qingfeng glanced at this silly brother with contempt.

Jian Qingyu was stunned when she heard this, "What do you mean, what did I do, I don't believe that you are not curious about who our dad put in his pocket?"

"Even if we want to know, we don't inquire about it. Since our dad doesn't want us to see that thing, there must be his reasons. And if I guessed correctly, that thing must be secretly given to our mother. If you see it , the whole family doesn’t know, how can our father secretly give it to our mother.”

(End of this chapter)

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