Chapter 335 Daughter-in-law, You Are So Kind

Jian Haotian stared at this niece with displeasure, "The Shen family is not something we can go to meet casually, even if I want to see them, I have to call them in advance, besides, I don't think I will go to Shen family this year. Home, you should keep your clothes yourself."

When Jian Xiang heard this, he raised his head excitedly and asked, "Why don't you go, why don't you go?"

Jian Haotian looked at the excited niece, raised his eyebrows even higher, "Why should I go? We are not related to the Shen family, so why should we go to her house?"

Jian Xiang looked at Lao Gao's uncle who was frowning, and felt scared.

"Uncle, are you really not going to the Shen family?" She continued to ask unwillingly.

At this moment, Jian Haotian showed a hint of impatience on Jun's face, "If you really don't want to go, why should I lie to you?"

Upon hearing this answer, Jian Xiang held the bag with a disappointed face and slowly turned and left the house.

After sending this niece out of the house, Jian Haotian found his wife in the kitchen.

Seeing that there was no one in the kitchen, he stepped forward and hugged the daughter-in-law in front of him, lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Daughter-in-law, are you okay now?"

As soon as Li Qiaomu heard his question, he knew what he was asking. With a blushing pretty face, he quickly pushed him away from his back, "Comrade Jian Haotian, please stand up straighter. At home, the three children will come in at any time, what should we do if they see us like that just now?"

Jian Haotian looked at the serious daughter-in-law, smiled in a low voice, and immediately nodded obediently to admit his mistake, and promised, "Yes, what the daughter-in-law said is right, I was too frivolous just now, I promise to change."

Li Qiaomu glared at him with a smile, and suddenly remembered something, so he motioned him to look aside with his eyes.

Jian Haotian got his wife's reminder, turned his head, and soon saw that there was a pile of things on the side where his wife told him to look over.

"Aren't you going to send things to your parents? I've already packed them up for you. Just carry these things and send them over." She pointed to those things and said.

Jian Haotian glanced at this pile of things, his heart warmed up, he looked outside, and after making sure that those children would not come in, he walked to her side and hugged her, and buried his head on her neck, "Thank you daughter-in-law .”

Li Qiaomu's neck was a little itchy from his behavior, and he quickly pushed him away from his body, "Okay, okay, don't thank me, take this thing over quickly."

Jian Haotian let go of his daughter-in-law in his arms, stepped forward to take a look at the pile of things, and whispered, "Is this a bit too much?"

Li Qiaomu on the side heard his words, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "For the first year, look better, so that if we quarrel with them in the future, they won't have a reason to blame us, anyway, we are not Can't get it out."

Jian Haotian left the house with these big and small bags. When passing by on the road, he met some people in the village. This time he would stop and say where he was going.

The big guy saw the big and small bags he was carrying, and quickly spread the filial piety of the young couple to the old couple of the old Jane's family in the village.

Jian Haotian didn't know what was going on behind him. At this moment, he came to Old Jian's house with big bags and small bags.

When he came over, the old Jane's house was deserted, and there was no excitement about the New Year's Eve at all.

"Mom and Dad." Standing in the yard, he called inside.

(End of this chapter)

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