Chapter 348

The three brothers and sisters who had just come back from school heard the villagers mention that their mother was going to be published in the newspaper as soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village.

No, the three brothers and sisters ran back home one after the other.

"Mom, Mom, is this true? Are you really going to be in the newspaper?" Jian Qingyu was the first to run into the house, grabbing Li Qiaomu's calf and asking about it.

Li Qiaomu looked at the curious second son, smiled and said to him, "If you are asking me if I want to be published in the newspaper, then I can tell you very clearly that this matter is true. Your mother, I really want to be in the newspaper."

After Jian Qingyu heard this answer, she immediately turned around and told the eldest brother and younger sister who had just entered the house, "Brother, younger sister, did you hear that, what mom said just now, what we heard is true, our mom really wants to go to bed!" newspaper."

Jian Qingfeng and Jian Meimei looked towards Li Qiaomu with happy faces.

"Mom, you are amazing, you are Meimei's idol." Jian Meimei looked at Li Qiaomu, her own mother, and shouted with admiration.

Li Qiaomu hugged the three of them and said, "You three are also mother's idols."

The three brothers and sisters all had happy smiles on their faces when they heard her words of praise to them.

In the evening, when Jian Haotian returned home, he found that the house was extremely lively today.

Before he had time to ask what happened, the three children around him couldn't wait to share the good thing that happened today with him as a father.

"Dad, do you think my mother is very powerful?" Jian Qingyu looked at him with a smile and asked.

Jian Haotian heard the second son's question, and immediately saw the busy daughter-in-law in the kitchen with gentle eyes, "Well, your mother is the most powerful, especially in my heart."

I don't know if the couple had a good heart, just after he said this, Li Qiaomu, who was busy in the kitchen, turned his head and looked at him by chance.

The young couple looked at each other, and both of them could see the deep love for each other from each other's eyes.

When it was time to go to bed at night, as soon as Jian Haotian saw his daughter-in-law who had come back from the shower, he immediately stepped forward and hugged her waist.

Li Qiaomu didn't expect that he would come to him suddenly, and he was a little caught off guard by his hug.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so powerful that you want to report it to the newspaper in the provincial capital." Jian Haotian leaned on her neck and whispered these words.

Li Qiaomu's neck was a little itchy from his breath, and he turned around with a smile and looked at the gentle man in front of him, "I'm not so good, but Comrade Jian Haotian in front of me is the most powerful, because in my heart, he He is the most powerful man in the world."

When Jian Haotian heard his daughter-in-law complimenting him, the smile in his eyes immediately reached his eyes.

At this time, he lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Then our husband and wife are the most powerful."

Li Qiaomu laughed softly when he heard his words of praise for both of them, and echoed his words, "Well, you're right, our husband and wife are equally powerful."

Hearing her charming laughter, Jian Haotian was distracted, immediately lowered his head and bit her earlobe, and then stretched it out to her neck.

Li Qiaomu immediately understood what he was going to do to her next.

"Don't make trouble, you're not afraid that I'll get pregnant again?" Originally, I thought that saying this would scare off the man's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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