Chapter 354
After hearing this, Li Qiaomu nodded, pointed to the blueprints in his hand and said, "Alright then, second brother-in-law, you can make me a pattern according to the blueprints, and I will be useful when the time comes."

Zhou Bo nodded and agreed without thinking, "Okay, give me ten days, and I will definitely make all these things."

In the following days, apart from helping out with those things in the fields and on the mountains, Zhou Bo spent the rest of his time at home weaving the pattern on the drawing with bamboo.

A week later, Village Chief Jian approached the door happily with a newspaper.

"Haotian's daughter-in-law, Haotian's daughter-in-law, come out and read the newspaper, the newspaper is out, the newspaper in the provincial capital." Village Chief Jian shouted excitedly.

Li Qiaomu, who was busy in the house, heard Village Chief Jian's words, stepped out and took a look, just in time to see someone running over with a newspaper.

That's right, he came in running, and his footsteps were stronger than that of young people.

"Village Chief, are you talking about the provincial newspaper?" Li Qiaomu glanced at the newspaper in his hand and asked with a smile.

Village Chief Jian nodded vigorously, "Isn't it just the newspaper from last time? Look at it, you're in the newspaper, and it's still positive. Our village is also written in the newspaper. Now it's all right, our Jianjia Village is going to be famous."

Li Qiaomu took the newspaper in his hand with a smile, and saw the photo he took last time reflected on the newspaper at a glance.

I have to say that she is quite photogenic, anyway, she is quite satisfied with the photo on the newspaper.

After reading the above content at a glance, Li Qiaomu quickly handed the newspaper back to Village Chief Jian.

After Village Chief Jian took it, he folded it up like a baby.

"This should be well hidden, yes, I will put it in the ancestral hall when the time comes." After receiving it, Village Chief Jian murmured these words.

Li Qiaomu on the side couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his words.

She really didn't expect that one day she would actually enter the ancestral hall of their Jane's family in this way.

At the same time, Jian Xiang was reading the newspaper with his hand.

Especially when she saw Li Qiaomu's photo appeared in the newspaper, but she didn't appear in the newspaper, the resentment in her heart went straight to her heart.

Just as she was watching in a daze, she didn't know when her family members suddenly appeared behind her, and happened to see the contents of the newspaper in her hand.

"Hey, this one doesn't belong to the third family, how did she appear on it?" Jian's mother snatched the newspaper from Jian Xiang's hand with a look of surprise and began to read it.

She didn't like it herself, and Jian's mother even called Jian's father over.

"Old man, old man, come over and see if this belongs to the third family, she actually appeared on it."

Hearing his wife's shout, Father Jian came over and saw the photo of himself, the third daughter-in-law, at first sight.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that a reporter from the provincial capital came to interview this daughter-in-law last week.

"You forgot, a reporter came to interview our third daughter-in-law last week, so this is it." Father Jian said to his wife with a miraculous expression.

When Jian's mother heard her old man mention it, she also remembered it, and immediately patted her thigh with her big hand, "I remembered, it really happened."

"Not to mention, although the youngest daughter-in-law has no conscience, it's pretty good in the newspaper." Jian's mother looked at the photo in the newspaper and said with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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