Chapter 363 I Will Pay

"I think you just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. If you have this ability, you probably want to make a lot of money yourself. Don't say sour words here. Li Qiaomu's courage is because she has the ability."

She didn't know the good and bad things about her in the village.

At this time, she was busy with the farmhouse.

The address was chosen in the village, the land was chosen, and now she is busy designing the farmhouse.

After some research, she finally asked her to draw the house design drawing of the farmhouse.

On the evening when the painting was finished, while the family was having dinner, Li Qiaomu handed the picture to Zhou Bo who was having dinner at the same table.

"Second brother-in-law, how about this blueprint? If I hand it over to you, do you have the confidence to help?" Li Qiaomu looked at him and asked.

Zhou Bo, who was having dinner, listened to her words, took the design drawing in front of him, first looked at it seriously, and then answered seriously, "I am confident, little girl, this is a house design drawing, right? Can I?"

Li Qiaomu replied with a smile, "Why can't it work, the house styles you made before are quite good, I believe in your ability."

Zhou Bo said embarrassingly, "The houses before were just models, which were relatively easy to make, but now they are actually building houses. I'm afraid I don't have the ability."

"Second brother-in-law, you have to believe in your own ability. Look, I already believe in your ability. Why don't you have no confidence in yourself, so you can do it boldly. If you have any problems, you can come to me to discuss it."

The main reason was that there was really no one in the family who could help. After much deliberation, she still felt that the second brother-in-law in front of her was a suitable candidate.

Zhou Bo struggled with embarrassment for half a minute, then nodded solemnly, "Okay, then I'll try."

With his promise, Li Qiaomu laughed.

After some encouragement from Li Qiaomu, Zhou Bo began to take over the big project of building a farmhouse.

What happened next made Li Qiaomu even more convinced that it was the most suitable choice for Zhou Bolai to be his supervisor this time.

Although Zhou Bo is a carpenter, he relied on his carpenter's intuition to understand many things at a glance, and he could spot problems at a glance.

Thanks to the help of this second brother-in-law, the progress of Li Qiaomu's farmhouse music has not been delayed, but has been sped up for a while.

Seeing that the farmhouse was about to be completed, Li Qiaomu also began to prepare for the opening of the farmhouse.

In order to advertise the farmhouse, Li Qiaomu specially found reporter Tan who worked as a mining workshop for her last time.

Provincial newspaper.

Reporter Tan heard from her colleagues that someone was looking for her, so she came out with doubts, but she didn't expect it to be a lesbian she had met last time.

"Comrade Li, it turned out that you came to see me. Come in and talk." Reporter Tan stepped forward and took her by the arm and walked into the newspaper office.

Li Qiaomu didn't expect that he would still remember him, so he walked in with him with a smile.

Reporter Tan dragged the other party to the table where he worked and sat down, "Comrade Li, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

After pouring water for her, Reporter Tan sat opposite her.

Li Qiaomu took the water she poured and didn't drink it right away. He smiled and told her the purpose of his visit this time.

"Reporter Tan, don't worry, I will pay for the mining workshop this time, no matter how much money I have." After talking about the purpose of his visit, Li Qiaomu added another sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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