Chapter 367 Stop Coaxing Me
"Stop coaxing me. Why do you, a big man, only eat these few pieces of meat? You're just coaxing me." She didn't believe what he said.

Jian Haotian looked up at his daughter-in-law who was serving him vegetables, with a gentle light in his eyes.

Just when the atmosphere around the young couple was just right, a voice suddenly interrupted the warm atmosphere surrounding the young couple.

"So it's really Comrade Li. Just now when Lao Xie said that it was you, I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect it was really you." He Ju smiled and took a tray and sat on their table.

Seeing that it was Jian Haotian's boss, Li Qiaomu immediately sat up straight and greeted him.

"Don't be so nervous, Jian Ju is also a part of this place, and you are his family member, and you are also a part of our here, we are all one family." He Ju said with a smile.

Li Qiaomu followed with a smile, and suddenly the smile on his face restrained a little.

Why did she listen to this He Ju's words as if there was something in the words, as if there was some pit waiting for her to jump.

"He Ju, just tell me what you have to say, don't make trouble for me anymore, I'm afraid I might jump in by accident." She smiled and looked directly at him.

When He Ju heard this, he suddenly burst out laughing.

His laughter quickly attracted the attention of other people in the cafeteria. At this time, He Ju also realized that he was making a lot of noise, so he restrained himself a little.

As soon as he restrained himself, he saw another person sitting up.

"Director Xie." Li Qiaomu quickly greeted the people who sat down.

"Comrade Li, long time no see. We meet again. I still remember the food you made for us last time." Director Xie sat down with a smile and said.

Li Qiaomu smiled, and said to him boldly, "Director Xie, if you want to eat, you can come to my house to eat at any time."

When Director Xie heard this, he smiled even more happily. He looked at Jian Haotian who had been serving Li Qiaomu's food and said, "Jian Ju, you are lucky to have such a good wife."

When Jian Haotian heard someone praising his wife, he immediately felt happier than praising him, and agreed without knowing restraint, "Yes, I also think that I am very lucky, marrying a woman who is the best in the world daughter-in-law."

Li Qiaomu didn't expect him to respond like this, she blushed in shame, and even stepped on his toes secretly under the table.

Ask if this guy can know how to be more humble, he is just being polite to him, but he is fine, and he really followed up.

Jian Haotian hissed in pain, and then his expression remained unchanged, as if the person who just yelled was not him.

However, he did not miss his appearance just now from the eyes of He Ju and Director Xie. Both of them have wives and have suffered from their wives. They knew what happened just by looking at Jian Ju's appearance.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and at the same time there was a smile on their faces that only each other could see.

At this time, Director Xie looked at He Ju and smiled, "He Ju, how about it, who will win our bet?"

As soon as he said this, Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian looked at them both with puzzled eyes.

Seeing this, He Ju pursed his lips and smiled, and said to Director Xie willingly, "I lost."

Director Xie immediately made a gesture of thanks to Li Qiaomu, "Thank you, Comrade Li, for helping me with this."

(End of this chapter)

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