Chapter 370
The three brothers and sisters who came home saw the box of braised pork in the main room at first sight.

"The nose is good. You can smell it as soon as you smell it. It's really not made by me. It was called from your dad's cafeteria. Let's have this as an extra meal tonight."

While speaking, Jian Qingfeng handed over a certificate.

Li Qiaomu opened it and found that it was the No. 1 certificate for the eldest son to participate in the competition.

At this time, there were several such certificates in her drawer, all of which were obtained by the eldest son from participating in the competition.

"No.1 again, son, you are really proud of your mother." Li Qiaomu took the certificate and embraced the eldest son in front of him and kissed his forehead.

Jian Qingfeng's cheeks on both sides flushed immediately, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Seeing the shy look of the elder son, Li Qiaomu couldn't help covering his mouth and smiling.

Of course, Li Qiaomu was not that partial, so he kissed his little daughter too.

When it was the second son's turn, she stopped on purpose, "Boy, look at your elder brother, he is so soft on winning prizes, you will give your mother and me this kind of treatment sometime."

When Jian Qingyu heard this, she immediately began to groan, "Mom, it would be great if you had such a powerful son, but if you want to have another one, you are too greedy."

When Li Qiaomu heard his unreasonable words, he smiled angrily, "I don't think you have the ability, brat, you and your brother were born by the same parents, why is there such a big difference."

"I don't know. I have to ask you and my dad about this matter. When you gave birth to me, didn't you give me a brain that likes to read?"

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he was so angry again that he wanted to beat up the son in front of him who only made him angry.

The mother and son were playing around when suddenly the door of their own courtyard was pushed open, and a man with a bad smell stood at the door.

Li Qiaomu took a look and realized that the person who came was Jian Haotian's elder brother.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Li Qiaomu really looked down on Brother Jian as a person, so he said in a flat tone.

Brother Jane walked in swaggeringly, and looked at the house they were living in with a pair of unfriendly eyes.

"No wonder your family is determined to move out of old Jane's house. It turns out that you have found such a good place to live. Your plan is really good." Brother Jian looked at it for a while, and his words were full of criticism.

Hearing this, Li Qiaomu frowned slightly, turned around and whispered to the three children beside him, "You go in first, I didn't tell you to come out."

The three children were not children anymore, and they had gone to school and had their own ideas. When Li Qiaomu finished speaking, the three brothers and sisters did not act according to her words.

Li Qiaomu winked at them several times, but in the end the three children seemed as if they didn't see it.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu didn't wink at them any more, but pulled the three of them behind him to hide.

At this time, Brother Jian had already found a seat and sat down, looking at Li Qiaomu like an old man.

"Third brother and sister, you are famous in our village now. You sell well vegetables. You also rented a mountain to grow fruit trees, raise chickens, and now you have opened a farmhouse. You are really good at it."

Li Qiaomu didn't relax when he heard his words, but looked at him defensively.

"Brother, Jian Haotian is not at home. If you want to find him, come here later. I'm going to start making dinner. You should go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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