Chapter 374

Li Qiaomu, who was busy with dinner today, was taken aback by this sudden hug, turned around and saw this handsome face looking at her with a distressed expression.

"It's back! How is it handled?" She looked at him with a smile and asked.

"Don't worry, it's been dealt with. It's estimated that I won't be able to wake up from the bed for ten days and a half months." Jian Haotian buried his face in his neck and said.

Li Qiaomu had a satisfied expression on his face when he heard the good news, "Although it's a bit heavier, I still think he's too cheap."

"Okay, if I think it's easy for him, next time I see him, I'll beat him every time until he regrets coming here." Jian Haotian said with a dark expression.

"Okay, add me, and we'll beat him together." Li Qiaomu clenched his fists, with a jealous expression on his pretty face.

Looking at his daughter-in-law like this, Jian Haotian felt distressed and wanted to laugh at the same time.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside accompanied by shouts.

As soon as Li Qiaomu heard the shout from outside, the corners of his mouth hooked up, and he looked at Jian Haotian with a not-so-comfortable expression with an expression on his face.

Jian Haotian took a deep breath, tried his best to keep the gentleness on his face and told the daughter-in-law in front of him, "You don't need to go out, I'll just go out and solve it."

Li Qiaomu took his hand that was about to turn around and go out, "Don't, I'll go out with you to have a look."

Jian Haotian stared at her and narrowed his eyes, and said to her distressedly, "Don't force yourself, I can really handle it by myself."

Li Qiaomu cast a blank stare at him, "Which one of your eyes saw that I was forcing myself, don't worry, there is no one in this world who can make me force myself."

After saying this, she immediately strode out of the kitchen.

Outside, Mother Jian was spinning anxiously in the yard, still yelling loudly, "Third brother, third child, come out, help me."

When Jian Haotian came out, what he saw was this scene, and he knew what the purpose of this mother's visit was. At this moment, Jian Haotian's complexion was not very good, and he responded to Jian's mother who was circling in the yard, "Mom, I'm here."

When Jian's mother heard this voice, she immediately turned around, and soon saw the little son she was looking for in the direction of the kitchen.

"Third brother, it's good that you are at home. Come with mom. Let's go to old Jane's house. Something happened to your elder brother." As he said that, he stepped forward to hold Jian Haotian's hand.

Jian Haotian glanced at his held hand, and instead of following her, he shook it off.

Mother Jian, who was about to leave, looked at her hand that was suddenly thrown away, and turned around with a surprised expression to look at her youngest son standing behind her.

"Third, what's wrong with you, didn't you hear what Mom said, something happened to your eldest brother."

Jian Haotian said expressionlessly, "Of course I heard it, but so what, and I also know what happened to him, whether he was beaten, half to death."

When Jian's mother heard it, she looked at him with a surprised expression and asked, "Yes, how did you know?"

Jian Haotian sneered at her at this time, "Of course I know, I know everything, I even know where he was beaten, mom, do you know why?"

"Why?" Jane's mother asked with a confused look on her face.

Jian Haotian sneered again, "Because I caused the injury on his body, of course I know it very well."

(End of this chapter)

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