Chapter 383 They Are Rich

The couple saw a lesbian dressed so fashionable coming over, and the young couple were stunned at the same time.

They thought they were going to meet a man, but they didn't expect to see a woman, and she didn't look like a woman from the countryside at all.

"Are you the owner of the farmhouse?" Wang Quanshui stepped forward and asked.

Li Qiaomu nodded, "That's right, I'm the owner of the Nongjiale, the kind that's a real replacement. I don't know why the two of you came to see me?"

"Then you built this farmhouse yourself?" Wang Quanshui didn't answer her question, but continued to ask.

Li Qiaomu was not annoyed when he saw that he didn't answer his question, but continued to answer his question, "Not really, I drew the picture of the farmhouse, but the supervisor was helped by my second brother-in-law, what's wrong? Is there any problem with the farmhouse?"

Hearing this, Li Qiaomu could tell that the two of them came to look for him because of the map of the house in Nongjiale.

"No problem, no problem, he can't talk, let me tell you, it's like this, we saw your farmhouse from the newspaper, your house and our young couple like it very much, we want to help you build this Talk to the person in the house, and I want to ask him to help us build a house like a farmhouse.”

Speaking of this, Liu Xinhua immediately added another sentence, "Don't get me wrong, we are not here to steal your farmhouse business, we didn't build this kind of house to open a farmhouse, we just like your current farmhouse very much, so we also It’s that simple to build a house like this to live in.”

After listening to her explanation, Li Qiaomu smiled, "It's okay, I understand, but I don't mind if you really want to open a farmhouse, after all, is it profitable? I'm not the only one who started to make money. Everyone earns money."

As soon as she said this, Wang Quanshui immediately shouted happily, "Okay, okay, that's very good."

With his roar, Li Qiaomu was taken aback.

Liu Xinhua gave her man a helpless look, then turned her head and explained to Li Qiaomu, "Comrade Li, don't get me wrong, my family just has a loud voice, in fact he is not a bad person, we country people are used to it at home. , speaking a little louder."

"It's okay, it's okay, actually, it's better to be louder, it's better to be louder." Li Qiaomu smiled shyly.

Next, after the couple followed Li Qiaomu into the farmhouse and sat down, they talked about their purpose of coming here, as well as some of their backgrounds.

It turns out that these two couples are really upstarts who suddenly exploded. The male owner of this family, that is, Wang Quanshui, was lucky. He followed his brother to work in a certain western mine, and then slowly developed into a rich man there. Coal mine bosses are earning more and more money just like this.

But even though his money is getting more and more, but because they have been living in the countryside, this living habit has not kept up.

When they got rich, they also pushed down the houses in the countryside and rebuilt them. However, because they are rural people, they don't have much knowledge, and the houses they built all have the taste of nouveau riche.

Because of this, the couple and their children are often called upstarts by acquaintances.

Just when the family was worrying about the name, they happened to see the house of Nongjiale in the newspaper. At a glance, the family fell in love with the Nongjiale built like this.

(End of this chapter)

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