Chapter 385 Hope Comes True
At this time, Wang Quanshui and his wife didn't listen to Zhou Bo's words seriously. In their view, this farmhouse was built by the man named Comrade Zhou Bo in front of them.

So the couple sat beside Zhou Bo and elaborated on their requirements and the shape of the house they wanted to build.

After listening to it for more than ten minutes, Zhou Bo already vaguely knew what kind of house they wanted to build.

"I heard clearly what the two of you just said. Can you give me a little time, and I will give you a house style map in a week, and we will see where we want to modify it. How about you?"

Wang Quanshui and Liu Xinhua were naturally at ease with Comrade Zhou in front of them, so after hearing Zhou Bo's words, the couple immediately agreed.

After seeing off the two couples, Zhou Bo felt as if he was completely floating. He never thought that such a day would happen to him.

"Little sister, I, can I do it?" As soon as he came in, Zhou Bo found Li Qiaomu, his sister-in-law, for affirmation.

Li Qiaomu looked at the second brother-in-law who was trembling as he spoke, and knew that a word of encouragement at this time was very important to Zhou Bo now.

"Second brother-in-law, you have to have confidence in yourself. Look at our farmhouse, how well it is built. If it is not good, can people come to the door after seeing it in the newspaper? This is all because of people's affirmation of you. Will find it."

Zhou Bo, who was still a little unconfident in his heart, suddenly felt confident after hearing what the sister-in-law said.

"Then let me try?" Zhou Bo inquired softly.

"Try, you must try, maybe this is the first step for you to make a fortune in the future." Li Qiaomu encouraged.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." This time, he said it confidently.

Seeing his attitude, Li Qiaomu frowned, but it was a bit tiring to encourage people.

In the following week, Zhou Bo concentrated on this matter.

Everyone in the family knows the task he took on, so they all support him and try to fit in with his time to be quiet, so that he can have an environment where he can free his mind to draw pictures.

Of course, if Zhou Bo encounters any problems, he will always come to Li Qiaomu for advice. Although Li Qiaomu has not studied this seriously, he can be regarded as someone who has seen twentieth-century architecture. Sometimes his explanations still hurt Zhou Bo. little help.

The days went on like this, and the fruits on the mountain became more and more ripe at this time.

Looking at the fruit trees with fruit hanging on the mountain, Li Qiaomu officially started to make fruit wine by himself.

When Li Qiaoxin learned about this, he poked Li Qiaomu's head and cursed, "You, you just can't sit still. You can just sell the fruit when it's ripe. What kind of fruit wine are you making? Well, if it fails, then these fruits would be a pity."

Li Qiaomu listened to his second sister's crow's words, smiled and took her arm, "Second sister, can't you hope that I will be better, maybe my fruit wine will be a success, and it will be a hit by then."

Li Qiaoxin opened his mouth, and finally changed his words, "I hope so, of course I hope what you said will come true."

But no matter how the second sister objected, Li Qiaomu still started to make fruit wine by himself.

Because it was the first time to do it, Li Qiaomu also became worried, because it was the first time to bear fruit, and the fruits on the mountain did not bear a lot. If all the fruit trees on the mountain were added up, they could pick about four to five hundred catties. The reason why Qiao Mu didn't plan to sell this time was mainly because the quantity was too small.

(End of this chapter)

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