Chapter 389 Not so stingy

In the end, under the threat of Village Chief Jian, these people had no choice but to leave here unwillingly.

As soon as they left, Li Qiaoxin immediately cursed several times in their direction.

Li Qiaomu was immediately amused when he heard his second sister's scolding words, "Okay, second sister, stop scolding, they are already far away, even if you continue to scold, they won't hear you."

Li Qiaoxin looked at the little girl who was still smiling, and angrily reached out and pinched her arm lightly.

"Hiss, sister, you pinched really hard. I'm your own sister, and you hit me so hard, it hurts me to death." Li Qiaomu shouted while pretending to be in pain, touching his arm.

Li Qiao knew how hard she had used, and she didn't use much force when she pinched it just now.

"Come on, don't lie to me, don't think that I don't know how much force I used to pinch you, it won't hurt at all if I pinch you, okay?"

Li Qiaomu saw that he hadn't tricked the second sister, so he had no choice but to stop this naughty idea.

"You are also really, what are you doing to take this job seriously? Look at those people, who remember your kindness in their hearts, and now they can't sell vegetables, so they come to trouble you. They really don't want it. Face." Thinking of the shamelessness of those people just now, Li Qiao felt so angry that his chest hurt.

"Just now, I was told by the second sister that I look like a grandson. You are happy, aren't you?" Li Qiaomu gritted his teeth and looked at the younger brother who was still smiling.

Li Qiaomu looked at his faintly smiling face, twitched the corners of his mouth, and hummed softly, "Come on, your face has already betrayed you, and you are secretly happy. "

Li Dongsheng, whose mouth was curled up, saw his third sister's fierce look, quickly stopped the smile on his face, and quickly shook his head to explain, "Third sister, I don't, I'm not secretly happy, I'm not happy at all, really, you Just look at my face and you'll know I'm not lying to you."

"Just say something nice to me, turn around and forget about these things for me, don't think I don't know your thoughts." Sister Mo Ruo, who knows her sister, doesn't know her little girl, she just doesn't remember .

Just as he coaxed the second sister away, Li Qiaomu turned around and suddenly saw a smiling younger brother standing behind him.

Li Qiaomu nodded straightly. In order to appease the angry second sister in front of him, he had no choice but to follow her words, "Yes, yes, they are really shameless. I know they are wrong. I will definitely wipe my eyes next time."

Next, it took Li Qiaomu a lot of effort to coax away the chattering second sister in front of him.

After hearing her perfect insight, Li Dongsheng had no choice but to stop the smile on his face embarrassingly, and then called out cautiously, "Second Sister."

Li Qiaomu curled his lips, "Okay, don't call me second sister, your second sister and I are not so stingy, you can laugh if you want, you did a good job just now, you called the village chief over in time, if The village chief didn't come, so I still have to listen to these people's nagging."

Li Dongsheng was proud of being praised by his third sister, and soon he looked at him with a puzzled face and asked, "Sister, I don't understand, you usually do things very quickly, why are you so slow this time?" Procrastinate and keep them blocking you."

Li Qiaomu glanced at him in surprise. It seems that her little brother has done a lot of business outside, and her brain has become a lot smarter.

(End of this chapter)

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