Chapter 398 You Can Eat As Much As You Want
Shen Hua still frowned at this time, with a disapproving expression on his face, "I really didn't joke with you, I really can't do this, you can see me like this now, I don't even know myself Are you not afraid of what will happen in the future, if you still rest assured to teach your son to me?"

Hearing this, Jian Haotian stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, "I say you can do it, and you can do it. It's settled in this way. My second son will teach you. Whether he can become a talent is up to you."

Shen Hua wanted to say something more, but just as the words reached his lips, he heard his friend make this decision for him.

Li Qiaomu on the side kept smiling. After hearing the final result, she slowly continued to drink the tea in her hand.

That evening, the three little guys were overjoyed when they saw Shen Hua coming over.

Although they don't meet each other very often, Shen Hua often sends things to this family, especially the three children, but they can receive gifts from him every few months.

As time passed, the three little guys remembered this Uncle Shen Hua deeply in their hearts.

"Uncle Shen Hua, you will stay at my house for a few more days when you come this time. Our three brothers and sisters really want to thank you for the things you send us every time." Jian Qingyu surrounded Shen Hua and said.

Although Shen Hua was suffering physically, seeing the three little guys who were in pain all the time, he still talked to the three of them with a smile on their ugly faces for a while.

"You are Shen Heng. I've heard Uncle Shen Hua mention your name all the time. I heard that you are very good at school. How about it? Are you interested in competing with me?" After listening to Shen Hua's introduction, Jian Qingfeng immediately Walked up to Shen Heng and cast a battle post.

Shen Heng stared curiously at the boy in front of him who dared to challenge him. He remembered that this boy seemed to be the eldest son of Uncle Jian and Aunt Li.

"Okay, go to my room, let's go there to compete." Jian Qingfeng said again immediately.

After listening to the rules he said, Shen Heng pursed his lips, and finally agreed happily, "If you don't dare, come on."

When the two came in, they both had very serious expressions on their faces.

"I have a math competition from the provincial capital in my hand. It also contains content from your junior high school. We will take that exam. Whoever calculates the questions first will be considered as the winner. How about it?" Seeing him Agreeing so happily, Jian Qingfeng announced the rules of the game with a face full of daring to underestimate the enemy.

Soon, the two left the main room one after the other, and went directly to the room where Qing Qingfeng lived.

"What is there not to dare to compare with?" Shen Heng agreed calmly.

Others don't know about their game.

When they came out, it was already half an hour later, and it was time for dinner.

Dinner was ready soon, and the whole family sat at the dining table, looking very lively.

"Comrade Shen, these are our home-grown vegetables and chickens. You are welcome. You can eat as much as you want. You don't have to save for us." During the meal, Li Qiaomu was afraid that Shen Hua would be worried that his family would be poor. So I told him about the situation at home.

Shen Hua was stunned when he heard this, he had been in the army for more than a year, and every time he sent something to Jane's family, he didn't ask much about the family's situation.

Now his memory still stays in those tragic impressions of his friend's family being kicked out of the house by his friend's parents.

(End of this chapter)

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