Chapter 414 You also bought it
Director Zhou heard that the other party was still a long-term customer, and the 8000 yuan was a lot of money. It had been a long time since they had received a customer who could deposit 8000 yuan at a time.

"Okay, okay, Comrade Li, don't worry, your money is safe in our bank." Director Zhou assured with a smile.

Half an hour later, the two siblings came out from the bank gate.

At this time, Li Dongsheng, who had no money on him, felt as if he had a dream.

"Sister, I've become a pauper again now." He turned around with a silly face and said to the third sister beside him.

Li Qiaomu was amused when he heard his words, "What are you talking about, isn't it money in your bank?"

Li Dongsheng was embarrassed by the words, so he also smiled, "It seems to be the same, but I just feel that the pockets are quite clean, and I'm not used to it."

Li Qiaomu smiled and rolled his eyes at him, "Who told you to deposit all the money at once."

Li Dongsheng said with a blushing face, "Isn't it that the interest they give is quite high? Anyway, if I put it on me, I still can't make money. If I put it here, I can make a lot of money. Of course I will It’s the latter one.”

After listening to Li Qiaomu, he also felt that his younger brother was right to do so.

Li Dongsheng patted his head and hid innocently.

Li Qiaomu smiled and stuffed the paper in his hand back into his pocket.

"Come on, accompany me to buy a TV." Li Qiaomu patted him on the back.

"I just don't have any money with me. If I don't owe money to the bank, I would like to deposit my money here."

Li Dongsheng was a little unhappy when he heard that, "Sister, are you looking down on me as a younger brother?"

Saving money at this time is like a piece of paper.

"Give it to sister, sister, if you are short of money to spend, you can take it here. Anyway, I rely on you today. I originally wanted to share half of the money I earned from selling lobsters with you, but you have always refused to take it." , I can have so much money deposited in the bank."

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he was laughed angrily, raised his hand and knocked on his head, "What nonsense are you talking about, keep talking nonsense, let me see how I deal with you."

Li Dongsheng couldn't see how unhappy the third sister in front of him was, so he said, "Sanjie, don't be sad. Although you didn't put any money in, my money is yours." A piece of paper came out, "Here you are."

"You just take it, your sister, I don't need your money yet, besides, I still have your brother-in-law, even if I am short of money, I will spend it on him, how can I spend yours, take it back .”

Li Qiaomu looked at the passbook in his hand, but didn't reach out to take it, "Why are you giving this to me?"

As soon as he heard the words "TV", Li Dongsheng immediately forgot the awkwardness just now, and immediately became excited again, and hurriedly dragged Li Qiaomu to the department store here.

As soon as the two siblings came here, they went straight to the floor where TVs were sold and started shopping.

At this time, black and white and color TVs have appeared, but color TVs are not a little more expensive than black and white TVs.

Generally, people who want to buy this home appliance will give priority to black and white TV, who is cheap.

So when the two siblings came here to watch TV, the salesperson saw them coming to buy a TV, and naturally led the two siblings to the black and white TV area.

(End of this chapter)

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