Chapter 422

"Hello, Comrade Shen, how did you sleep last night?"

As soon as Shen Hua heard her mention the matter of going to bed yesterday, it was as if he had found an ally to tell about it, "Sister-in-law, if you ask about this matter, you are asking the right person, I am about to tell you about this matter .”

"Oh, is that so, tell me." Li Qiaomu smiled and gestured to him please.

Seeing that she seemed to be very interested in what he wanted to say, Shen Hua excitedly told all the changes that happened to him last night.

"Sister-in-law, I really didn't lie to you. I really have this feeling. I just told old Jane, but he didn't believe me." Shen Hua glanced at Jian Haotian with a resentful expression.

Jian Haotian, who was sued, shook his head and smiled.

"I believe in you." Li Qiaomu glared at Jian Haotian, and then replied firmly.

When Shen Hua heard this, his face became excited, "Sister-in-law, do you really believe what I said?"

"Well, my fruit wine is not ordinary fruit wine. I don't think it's strange that you feel this way. Maybe the feelings you felt last night may really be due to the fruit wine you drank."

Sister-in-law, did you go the wrong way? Old Jane is going to work, why did you go out with him? "Shen Hua shouted towards the figure of their young couple.

"Sister-in-law, do you think it's okay?" After finishing speaking, he waited nervously for her answer.

Having said that, he hesitated a bit.

"Daughter-in-law, let's ignore him, let's go." Jian Haotian stepped forward and took Li Qiaomu's hand to leave.

Shen Hua looked at their holding hands, and realized that they were walking in the same direction together.

Hearing her words of promise, Shen Hua immediately beamed happily and thanked her all the time, "Thank you sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you are much better than old Jane, unlike old Jane, who is picky to death."

Li Qiaomu looked at his awkward way of speaking, and immediately asked with a smile, "What is the request, tell me, if you can agree, I will definitely agree."

After all, she was giving her son a master for free, so that's all for this, not to mention a glass of wine a day, even a jug of wine a day, she would be happy to give it.

After hearing her explanation, Shen Hua immediately nodded vigorously, "That's right, I think so too, sister-in-law, your fruit wine is a good thing."

"Sister-in-law, I have an uninvited feeling here. I wonder if you can agree."

Li Qiaomu pursed his lips and smiled, and answered him directly without thinking too much, "Of course it's no problem, isn't it just a drink every day, anyway, as long as you live with me, I'll take care of the wine you want."

When Shen Hua heard it, he was overjoyed, and without even thinking about it, he expressed the uninvited feeling in his heart.

Jian Haotian on the side listened to him speak ill of himself, his face was dark and handsome.

Li Qiaomu stopped with a smile, turned around and said to him, "It's not a mistake, I'll go to the bureau with him."

After Shen Hua listened, he looked curious, and was about to open his mouth to continue asking, but when he raised his head and wanted to ask him again, the young couple had already walked away.

Seeing their backs holding hands and leaving, Shen Hua, who was standing alone in the courtyard alone, became envious.

"Should I also find a companion?" Lonely and pitifully, he looked at the empty yard and said to himself.

On the other side, Li Qiaomu was sitting on the back seat of Jian Haotian's bicycle.

(End of this chapter)

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