"Comrade Xiao Li, I heard that boy Zhou Shuheng said that you have something good here, which is fruit wine. Can you let me take a look first." After speaking, he looked at her eagerly.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu smiled, and immediately responded, "Okay, of course, I'll take it out right away."

After speaking, he turned around and went to the corner to get it.

While waiting for the wine, Jian Haotian sat beside him without saying a word.

Just as He Ju took a sip of tea, he suddenly remembered the way this guy looked at him just now, so he inquired curiously, "Comrade Jian, why did you see people so infiltrating just now? I don't think I offended you in any way."

Jian Haotian looked at his innocent face, opened his mouth, and finally sighed, "Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you."

Seeing him like this, He Ju smiled and said, "You didn't say anything, how did you know I wouldn't understand."

"Anyway, you won't understand." Jian Haotian twitched the corner of his mouth at him, and said with a smile.

When He Ju heard this, he let out a hey, "Comrade Jian, what do you mean by that? Don't think that you can look down on people a little bit because you are about to sit in my position."

Jian Haotian was expressionless at first, but when he heard his words suddenly, his eyes immediately fixed on him.

When He Ju heard his words of concern for himself, the corners of his mouth curved, and he stretched out his hand to pat him on the shoulder several times. This comrade is a good one.

In the next second, his gaze was fixed on the medium-sized wine jar on the table.

Jian Haotian still looked expressionless, but his eyes were a little wider than usual, "Is this true?"

Jian Haotian was happy in his heart, but he still asked him, "What about you?"

Jian Haotian nodded in satisfaction, "Congratulations."

Seeing his stupid look, He Ju sat up straight with a proud expression on his face, "How about it, did it scare you?"

"Something good happened, can I hear it?" She put down the wine and asked curiously.

"Is this the fruit wine that boy Zhou Shuheng was talking about?" He Ju leaned forward and sniffed it, and a fresh scent of fruit wine floated into his nostrils.

When Li Qiaomu was about to come over with a jar of wine, he happened to hear Jian Haotian's words.

Under such a big matter, he still thinks about him.

"Don't worry, I have also been promoted, and I will report to the provincial capital next month." He said happily.

"Of course it is true. If it is not true, can I tell you? Although you have not been here for a long time, we big guys have seen your ability. In the past year, you have led the big guys to break a lot of things. case, so the higher authorities have decided that you will take over my position."

"Let Comrade Jian tell you. I think he wants to tell you about such a big matter." He Ju said mysteriously.

Generally, when these two words are spoken, it means that something good has happened.

Although he didn't drink it, his intuition told him that this fruit wine would be a treasure.

But no matter how greedy he is, He Ju still knows the gauge in the bureau.

"Comrade Li, can you sell me a jug of this wine?" He Ju looked away from the wine with a look of reluctance, and asked Li Qiaomu.

Naturally, Li Qiaomu wouldn't take money from others, so she had to thank him for what happened today.

"You don't need to pay, this jar of wine is for you. It's homemade, so you don't need any money." Worried that people would think the wine was expensive, Li Qiaomu added this sentence later.

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