Chapter 445 Unable to Escape
Li Qiaomu laughed angrily again after hearing his words, "I don't see how smart you are, you actually know how to let the chicken at home try first when eating."

Liu Sanjin didn't know whether he really didn't understand, or pretended not to understand, and said with a proud face, "Of course, although I haven't read any books, it's because my family is poor that I didn't go to Read, let me tell you, if I go to study, I will definitely be able to enter the university, and there is more.”

Seeing that this guy was still thinking about going on, Jian Haotian immediately interrupted him with a serious face, "Okay, we don't want to know about your affairs."

After being interrupted, Liu Sanjin shut his mouth in embarrassment.

"We also know about you, now tell us what the person who asked you to do this looks like?" Jian Haotian continued to ask him with a little impatience on his face.

Upon hearing this, Liu Sanjin asked excitedly, "Why don't you count what you say? I've already told you the truth. Why do you still want to take me to the bureau? How can you do this?"

Next, Jian Haotian made a phone call and found a colleague from the bureau to guard Liu Sanjin who was still on the hospital bed and couldn't be discharged.

Hearing his words, Liu Sanjin smiled with embarrassment on his face, "Comrade, aren't you embarrassing me? Where do I remember that she is a woman with a black mask on her face?" The sunglasses look very fashionable, but she is tall, hey, a woman, she is not much taller."

Jian Haotian looked at him blankly and sneered, "If that's the case, then the charge can only be placed on you. When your health is better, please go to the bureau with my people and tell this matter Be clear."

Looking at the same cold faces of the three of them, Liu Sanjin knew that he was really cut off this time.

When Li Qiaomu heard him complaining about himself and Jian Haotian, he laughed angrily again, "I said Liu Sanjin, which ear did you hear us tell you that this matter will not be pursued?"

"No, I was only thinking about making a lot of money and being happy, so I didn't take a closer look at it." Liu Sanjin said embarrassedly.

"Then you don't remember any special features about her?" Jian Haotian continued to ask with a bad expression.

When Li Dongsheng heard this, he stepped forward angrily, stood in front of Liu Sanjin and cursed, "Damn, what you say doesn't count, and we didn't promise you anything, so what you say doesn't count, and besides, you're going to kill me Sister, why should we help you, a villain."

"Just now, you said it, how can you not count what you said, and you got out of my words, and now you regret it, you are too bad."

After finishing this matter, Jian Haotian led his wife and brother-in-law out of the hospital.

As soon as he got out of the hospital, Li Dongsheng told Jian Haotian happily, "Brother-in-law, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise my sister and I really can't figure this out, that Liu's surname is too dark, and he looks like he's dead." Admit that what you eat is our family’s vegetables.”

Jian Haotian glanced at the siblings and said, "Don't worry, I asked my colleagues in the bureau to help watch over this matter, this Liu can't escape."

Li Qiaomu was not worried about whether this Liu Sanjin would run away, all she could think about was who was going to kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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