In the end, she found that she had underestimated the shamelessness of this family.

At noon, Li Qiaomu planned to cook some delicious food for the children in the family.

As soon as the fire started on her side, she heard the four children from school coming back.

"I'm back!" She poked her head out of the kitchen and greeted several children.

"Mom, who are those people outside? When we came in, they still wanted to come in with us. Fortunately, the four of us ran in quickly, otherwise they would have followed us into our house." Jian Qingyu looked Curious and ran over to inquire.

When Li Qiaomu heard what his second son said, he looked outside in surprise, "What's the matter, are those people still at our door?"

"Yes, several people, and an old lady, stopped me from asking questions, asking how much money Second Uncle earned in our family, and so on. Anyway, it was very annoying." Jian Qingyu replied.

"Mom, who are those people? I don't like them. They look at us like meat, which makes me very uncomfortable." Jian Qingyu finally asked.

Li Qiaomu didn't hide it from them, and told the four of them about their identities.

The children had a good time with the Zhou Xiaoxiong brothers and sisters, and they had all heard of the vampires of the Zhou family more or less.

"It turns out that they are the vampires that brother Xiaoxiong said. They still have the face to come to Second Uncle, so shameless." Jian Qingyu said with a look of hatred.

Jian Qingyu, who was specially named, saw her mother staring closely at her warning eyes, so she obediently responded, "Understood, Mom, I won't mess around."

At the door, the Zhou family just watched the four children run in front of them just now.

"Especially Qingyu, you heard me clearly, you are not allowed to cause trouble for me, you forgot about beating someone last time, right?" Li Qiaomu specifically named his second son.

I couldn't find anyone to scold, so I pointed the finger at Jian Qingfeng and the four who had just entered.

Seeing his posture, Li Qiaomu was afraid that this kid could not bear his temper to beat someone up, so he hurriedly told him, "Don't mess around, although they are not very good, they are also your second uncle's family. No matter how many people are recruited to fight, it will not be your turn to fight, do you hear me?"

Mrs. Zhou had been waiting here for a long time, her mouth was already dry and her tongue was already dry, and her mood was not much better.

After listening to her mother's explanation, Jian Qingyu had no choice but to let go of the small fist she was holding.

Li Qiaomu felt relieved after hearing his assurance.

She wasn't worried about the other three that they would mess around, but she was afraid that the second son would rush out and beat up people if he lost his temper for a while.

So when Li Qiaomu revealed their identities, the four children exclaimed at the same time.

"Those four who have no tutors, seeing me as an old woman waiting here, don't know to invite me in, and they are not afraid that God will take them four."

The people in the Zhou family didn't think there was anything wrong with the old lady scolding her like this. If it wasn't because they were so thirsty now, they would also want to scold along with the old lady Zhou.

Just when Mrs. Zhou was scolding and felt her throat was about to catch fire, she suddenly heard a voice calling her mother from behind.

Following the voice, she turned her head and immediately saw the eldest son standing not far away.

Zhou Bo stared at Zhou's mother who suddenly appeared here.

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