Chapter 459 Stop Eavesdropping
"Okay, stop eavesdropping, go back to your room and do your homework."

Jian Qingyu asked with some reluctance, "Mom, don't you want to hear what those people did to my second uncle?"

Li Qiaomu raised his hand and tapped lightly on the top of his head, "This is someone else's business, and your second uncle also needs to keep it private, that's all, go back to the house."

Seeing that there was no room for negotiation on this matter, Jian Qingyu had no choice but to follow behind the three companions who had already gone away with a look of reluctance.

After a while, Li Qiaomu heard the sound of someone coming in.

Originally, she was a little worried that her second brother-in-law would soften her heart and invite them in when she saw her relatives all of a sudden.

She listened for a while, and found that it was quiet outside. She knew that her second brother-in-law seemed to have made up his mind this time and stopped talking to his blood-sucking family.

In the evening, when the sky gradually darkened, Li Qiaoxin returned home with his sons and daughters.

Li Qiaomu glanced at the second brother-in-law who had been hiding in the room and did not come out, so he took Li Qiaoxin's hand and walked aside to tell what happened this afternoon.

"Second sister, I think my brother-in-law hasn't come out since he went in. I guess he's very sad. You should persuade him after you go in. It's not worth it to feel sad for that kind of family."

Li Qiaoxin listened, although he was a little surprised, he still expressed his gratitude to his younger sister, Li Qiaomu, "Okay, I know how to do it, thank you little sister, you can go to your business."

Seeing that her second sister took this matter to heart, Li Qiaomu didn't say much. After all, this was a matter between the young couple, and it was really hard for her to interfere too much as an outsider.

While having dinner at night, Li Qiaomu finally saw the second brother-in-law who came out of the room.

She sneaked a few glances at the expression on his face, and found nothing wrong, so she didn't care about it anymore, and quickly invited her family to try the pancakes she made today.

Li Dongsheng tasted one first, and then looked towards Li Qiaomu with bright eyes, "Sister, your cooking skills are comparable to those of the chefs in big restaurants in the city."

"Well, it's delicious. My mother's cooking skills are the best." Jian Qingyu ate half of it in one bite, and gave Li Qiaomu a thumbs up with a greasy mouth.

Although the other people at the dinner table didn't say anything, it can be seen from the speed at which they ate the pancakes that they were also very satisfied with the pancakes tonight.

Jian Haotian even expressed his support for the pancakes made by his wife with practical actions. He ate three of them.

When the meal was almost finished, Bo Wenlai put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and said to Li Qiaomu, "Li girl, do you still have that fruit wine?"

When Li Qiaomu heard his question, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him. She remembered that she gave him a jar of fruit wine at the beginning of the month, and this old man wouldn't secretly drink the bar behind her back every day.

"Yes, but Wen Leibo, have you not remembered what I told you? When I gave you wine, I said that you can only drink one cup a day. If you drink as I told you, it will You probably haven't finished your drink yet." Li Qiaomu squinted his eyes and told him.

Wen Leibo immediately told her, "I didn't drink the fruit wine I asked for this time. I asked an old friend of mine. He came to my place two days ago and tasted my wine. He liked it very much. , Today he called the village committee and asked me to find a way to get him a jar of fruit wine."

(End of this chapter)

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