"That's good, Mom. Next time you ask Dad to come here, it's best for you two to stay here for a while. Qiao Mu has been looking forward to your coming to live here." He added.

When Li's mother heard her son-in-law's words, her face became brighter and brighter, and she also responded with the words "Hao Hao".

Afterwards, he talked to Li's mother again, and Jian Haotian found an opportunity to go to the kitchen to find a wife.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the kitchen, Jian Haotian smelled a smell of meat wafting out.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the busy daughter-in-law inside, raised the corners of his lips, and walked slowly towards the petite figure.

When he was about to get close, he reached out and hugged her waist, moved his mouth to her ear and whispered, "It smells so good, daughter-in-law."

Li Qiaomu was taken aback by his sudden appearance, looked at his handsome face in front of her, and couldn't get angry with him, so she rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, "Why are you back?" , isn't the bureau busy?"

Jian Haotian quickly kissed her on the corner of the mouth, and then answered her question, "I'm not too busy, I'll accompany you to find that friend Wen Leibo mentioned, I happen to have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I'll go with you."

When Li Qiaomu heard his words, his face beamed with joy, "Okay, I will feel more at ease if you accompany me to go."

Listening to his daughter-in-law's dependence on him, the smile on the corner of Jian Haotian's mouth rose more and more.

After talking about this, Li Qiaomu saw that he had nothing to go out to settle, so he guessed that this man must have something else that he didn't tell her.

"Tell me, if you have anything else to tell me, just say it." She took the initiative to speak.

Hearing her words, Jian Haotian smiled on Jun's face, reached out and rubbed the top of her head, "My wife is smarter."

Li Qiaomu shook his hand away from the top of his head with a face full of tears and laughter, "Come on, hurry up and say something."

"It's something you've been thinking about for a long time. The matter of our organic vegetables being poisoned has been found out." He said unhurriedly.

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he quickly put down what he was doing, and looked up at him, "Do you have an eye? What is it, please tell me."

Jian Haotian looked at the impatience on her face, and after pursing his lips into a smile, he said slowly, "Don't be so happy, relax, I'll tell you about it slowly later."

Seeing the calmness on his face, Li Qiaomu had a bad premonition in his heart, "Is this a good look?"

Jian Haotian touched his nose in embarrassment, and nodded slightly, "It's not very good, it's half good news and half bad news."

Li Qiaomu couldn't help urging him when he saw him being so sarcastic, "Can you speak quickly, you are so anxious to death for such a small matter, so just say it, I can hold on."

Jian Haotian looked at the anxious daughter-in-law, shook his head and smiled, but this time he stopped being sarcastic, and said directly, "We have already found the woman who delivered vegetables to Liu Sanjin, but after our half-day review, that woman I don't know who the person who instructed her is, they never met when they traded.":
Hearing this, Li Qiaomu showed a little disappointment on his face, "It seems that this clue is going to disappear."

Jian Haotian doesn't like to see his daughter-in-law, who has always been full of energy, suddenly seems listless.

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