Chapter 47
After walking out of the crowd, Li Qiaomu continued to walk towards the village. After walking for a long time, she stopped at the door of a good house in this village.

Li Qiaomu made sure that the house in front of him was the village chief's house in Yuanshen's memory, and then he stepped forward and knocked on the door a few times.

After knocking a few times, the closed wooden door opened, revealing the face of Jian Jianjun's wife.

"Haotian's wife is here, come in and sit down." Jian Jianjun's wife pulled her in with enthusiasm.

Li Qiaomu was dragged into the yard before he could speak.

"Auntie, I'm here to look for the village head uncle. I wonder if he's at home?" Li Qiaomu mentioned the purpose of coming here as soon as he sat down.

When Jian Jianjun's wife heard this, she immediately yelled inside, "Master, Haotian's wife is here to look for you, please come out."

Li Qiaomu was taken aback by her loud voice.

But her shout was quite practical, and after a while, she saw Jian Jianjun walking out of it.

Jian Jianjun saw Li Qiaomu sitting in the yard, and then glanced behind her, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, why are you the only one here, where is Haotian?"

Li Qiaomu explained to him with a smile, "Uncle, Haotian went to report to the place where he works in the city. Today I came to see you for something."

When Jian Jianjun heard that Jian Haotian had a job in the city, his face showed surprise, and then he inquired carefully, "Really, I didn't expect that this kid Haotian is quite promising, do you know where he works?"

Li Qiaomu replied with a smile, "Being a deputy at the Public Security Bureau."

As soon as her words fell, Jian Jianjun and his wife were shocked.

This position really brought honor to their Jian family village.

"Okay, okay, great, if Haotian comes back this afternoon and asks him to come to my house for a meal, I, as an uncle, will cook for him to celebrate." Jian Jianjun said happily.

It was as if the person who became the deputy director was himself.

Naturally, Li Qiaomu would not let others spend this fee, after all, this was his own family's business, so it was nothing to ask others to pay for a meal.

So he said, "Uncle, Auntie, I have agreed with Haotian, please have dinner tonight, if you, Uncle and Dongsheng come back, come over and have a potluck together."

Jian Jianjun thought for a while, and didn't refuse much, "That's fine, I'll let your aunt catch a chicken later."

When Jian Jianjun's wife heard this, she opened her mouth, but finally chose to keep her mouth shut.

After Jian Jianjun was happy, he remembered that he was looking for him.

"Haotian's daughter-in-law, just now I heard you said that you are looking for me for something, what is it?"

Li Qiaomu smiled peacefully, "That's it, Uncle, I want to ask if there is any land in our village for sale?"

"Or rent it out, but I may rent it for a long time." She added.

After Jian Jianjun heard this, he frowned slightly, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, why are you thinking of buying a field? Does Haotian know about this?"

Li Qiaomu smiled and said, "He knows about it, I won't hide it from you, uncle, I just want to buy or rent a piece of land to grow vegetables."

"Grow vegetables!" Jian Jianjun's daughter-in-law shouted in surprise.

Then he smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law Haotian, it's not that my aunt is hitting you. Every household grows this kind of vegetables. There is no shortage of vegetables here. It's too expensive for you to buy and rent land to grow vegetables."

Li Qiaomu nodded and said, "I know, but I still want to try to grow. Maybe the vegetables I grow are better than other people's."

(End of this chapter)

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