Uncle Wang is a little worried about this second brother, mainly because among the three brothers and sisters, only this second brother has read a little. presence.

Mother Li glanced at the two brothers with a silent smile on her lips. Mother Li was really happy that she could help the two brothers today.

After so many years, her little sister finally has the opportunity to help the two brothers live a good life.

After she was happy, Mother Li hurriedly led the two brothers into the house.

When Li Qiaomu was sitting in the yard reading a book about fruit trees, he was about to turn a page when he saw Li's mother leading the two brothers of the Wang family in.

"Uncle, Uncle, Mom, you are here, please sit down." Seeing the three of them, Li Qiaomu quickly put down the books in his hands and walked forward to greet them.

Uncle Wang looked at his niece, who seemed different, with a smile, "Qiao Mu, I haven't seen you for so many years, uncle almost won't recognize you."

Li Qiaomu liked the two uncles of Yuanshen very much, probably because of Yuanshen, Li Qiaomu felt that the two uncles looked quite friendly.

"Uncle, what you said, I am still the same as before, I can't recognize it anymore." Li Qiaomu smiled and poured tea for the three brothers and sisters.

Uncle Wang saw the book that Li Qiaomu put down just now, so he picked it up curiously and began to read it.

Li Qiaomu just took this book to pass the time, and by the way, she did a little cover for the fruit trees on the mountain.

Second Uncle Wang laughed happily, and said bluntly, "Okay, I'll take it back and have a good look at it, and I'll bring it back to you after I finish reading it."

Uncle Wang was reading this book and thought it was very interesting, when he suddenly heard the question from his niece, he immediately raised his head to look at her, and said with a smile, "I'm interested, Qiao Mu, you can lend this book to my niece." Uncle, take a look, and the second uncle will return it to you in two days."

Seeing that Second Uncle Wang is interested in this book, Li Qiaomu readily agreed to his request, "No problem, Second Uncle, if you are interested, you can take it and read it carefully. Don't rush to return this book. I have almost read the book."

When Li Qiaomu poured tea for him, he saw him staring at the book fascinated, "Second Uncle, are you also interested in this kind of book?"

After Uncle Wang finished drinking the tea in his cup, he couldn't wait to talk about their visit this time.

"Qiao Mu, we heard from your mother that we can also raise crayfish over there, can you tell us how to raise these crayfish?" Uncle Wang asked anxiously.

Li Qiaomu smiled and planned to pour him another cup of tea, but before she poured it down again, Uncle Wang had already removed the teacup, "I won't drink it, I'm in a hurry now, and I'm not in the mood to drink this tea. "

Uncle Wang looked at his elder brother helplessly, and reminded him, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, elder brother, how many times have I told you this sentence, why can't you remember it, you are such an adult, Still like a child."

Uncle Wang pouted, "Of course I remember this sentence, but now I just want to know how to raise crayfish in our place. I don't believe you are not in a hurry."

Second Uncle Wang laughed, "I'm not in a hurry, we're all here, and we'll always know why we're in such a hurry."

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