Chapter 488

"It's okay, the big guy wants to drink anyway, so we just boiled it together." After speaking, Li Qiaomu turned and left the room.

Second sister-in-law Jian looked at the third sibling who went out, her eyes turned red again.

When I was in the hospital, when I saw that my man was busy taking care of me, my second sister-in-law asked Jian's second brother to go to her mother's house and let her know that she wanted her own mother to come and take care of her. As a result, her own mother didn't even come because she said that there was a child at home to take care of.

At that time her heart was really cold.

After marrying into Jane's family, although she is not liked by Mrs. Jane, every time she goes back to her natal family, she secretly takes her own money to supplement her natal family, but her natal family treats her like this.

At this moment, looking at the third sibling who was cooking soup for herself, Second Sister-in-law Jian couldn't help but compare herself with those from her natal family.

On the other side, after Li Qiaomu came out from Mrs. Jian's side, he went to the mountain to catch a chicken and killed it.

The chicken was killed on the mountain side. When she went home with the chicken, she saw a large group of people standing in a small square in the village.

As soon as she approached, she heard villagers asking questions.

"Jian Xiang, how old are you, you're just looking for a partner, won't your parents scold you for acting like this?"

Li Qiaomu, who heard this sentence, heard that it was related to his good niece, so he slowed down a little curiously.

Sure enough, in the next second, she heard the voice of her good niece.

"Fourth sister-in-law, what you said, I'm not too young, it seems that in a long time, people of my age were married, and now I'm just talking about someone, and I don't do anything shameful And illegal things." Jian Xiang's face was not very good, and he turned to a young woman who had just mentioned her.

The villagers next to her heard her unhappy words, so they couldn't say anything more.

Jian Xiang, who was surrounded by the villagers, was holding a fashionable young man on his arm at this time. The man seemed to be chewing gum in his mouth, and he looked carefree.

"You guys are too backward here. The smell of cow dung is so bad. Don't ask me to come to your place next time." Surrounded by so many villagers, the man felt like an orangutan He doesn't like the feeling of being watched.

When Jian Xiang heard his words, although his face was not very good-looking, but his mouth was coaxing the other party, "Okay, I get it, I didn't think that we have established a relationship, I will bring you to meet me Family, just this time, if you don't want to come next time, I will never force you."

Li Qiaomu didn't want to hear it at first, and planned to continue walking in the direction of home, but suddenly heard Jian Xiang's understanding words, he suddenly became curious, stopped and eavesdropped.

Unexpectedly, this eavesdropping was discovered. Li Qiaomu didn't feel ashamed. After being discovered by Jian Xiang, he walked forward as if nothing happened.

Jian Xiang saw Li Qiaomu who was walking past her, his eyes lit up, and he immediately called out to her, "Third Aunt, wait a minute."

Li Qiaomu didn't want to chat with this so-called good niece, instead of stopping, he even sped up his pace a little.

Jian Xiang looked at her figure who was walking away quickly, and after secretly cursing a word in his heart, he had no choice but to catch up with the man beside him in puzzlement, blocking her way.

(End of this chapter)

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