Chapter 490 Love Believe It or Not
Qin Wei's eyes lit up when he heard it, "It's really good, that's great, then I'll definitely go to join in the show."

Li Qiaomu glanced at Jian Xiang at this time, seeing this guy was very angry, seeing her displeased but couldn't take her expression.

This feeling is really cool.

"Talk slowly, I have something to do, I'm going back first." It's cool, but she still has business to do.

After speaking, she turned and left with a generous face.

Qin Wei looked at the back of the person walking away, and then lowered his head to look at the person around him, "Xiao Xiang, why do you seem to have a bad relationship with your third aunt?"

When Jian Xiang heard this, panic flashed across his face, "Indeed, you can tell, yes, my relationship with my third aunt is not very good, but it's not because of me, or because of my grandma, hey, Not to mention, every family has a hard-to-recite scripture, it should be said that my third aunt's family and my parents hardly move around."

"That's such a pity. Let me tell you, the organic vegetables grown by your third aunt are really good. All the old people in our compound like to eat them, especially my grandpa, who recognized you after eating them." Organic greens from my aunt’s house.”

Jian Xiang heard that his words were full of praise for Li Qiaomu, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable, and his tone became ugly, "What do you mean, I also grow vegetables, don't you think my vegetables are Isn't it delicious?"

Qin Wei didn't see her unhappiness, and continued talking on his own, "Your greens, to be honest, at first your greens were called organic greens, and they were also produced by Jian's Village. I thought it was from your third aunt, but after I bought it and ate it once, I found out that it was not the same thing at all, your vegetables are just like ordinary vegetables, no different."

The more Jian Xiang heard it, the more uncomfortable he felt, "Why is it different? I planted it according to the method she said. Why is it different? I think there is something wrong with your mouth."

In fact, all the customers who have bought vegetables from her family would say these words. After hearing such words every day, the more unhappy she was that the vegetables she grew would not be as good as those grown by Li Qiaomu.

"Look at you, I'm telling the truth, you're still angry, it's because your vegetables are not as good as your third aunt's vegetables, I'm not wrong, believe it or not." At this time, Qin Wei I also found that Jian Xiang's complexion was not very good-looking.

But he grew up spoiled by his family in the big courtyard, and no one has ever dared to show him face.

Even if this person is the new person he is talking about now, he will not accept this.

The final result was that the two broke up unhappy, Qin Wei left Jian Xiang and drove out of Jian's Village by himself.

Jian Haotian met a car driving out of his village at the entrance of the village.

He will look more, mainly because he knows that there are very few cars like this in this village, so he looks more.

It's just that when he saw the person driving out in the car, he frowned slightly.

When I got home, there was a very fragrant chicken soup smell in the house.

Listening to the singing from the kitchen, the corners of Jian Haotian's mouth curled up. After putting down the briefcase in his hand, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

When he walked into the kitchen, the smell of chicken soup just smelled stronger in this place, and the busy figure inside was shining like a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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