Chapter 492 I'm So Touched
Speaking of which, she stared at him.

Seeing her stop, Jian Haotian had no choice but to guess who among the people she said she still knew.

Seeing that he was thinking, Li Qiaomu told him kindly, "Forget it, let me tell you the truth, don't guess, that person is your niece."

"Oh, and, I heard that Qin Wei is still the target of your good niece. She brought her here this time to see your elder brother and your sister-in-law, and let them see how good their good son-in-law is."

Hearing this, Jian Haotian's face immediately turned dark.

"Nonsense, how did Jian Xiang know Qin Wei? Does she know what their family does?" Jian Haotian cursed loudly when he heard this.

Li Qiaomu was taken aback by his scolding, and almost threw the shovel he was holding back into the pot.

Seeing her trembling petite body, Jian Haotian realized that his voice was a bit loud just now.

"Did I scare you?" He walked up to her arm and asked concerned.

Li Qiaomu stared curiously at his handsome face with lingering anger, "Why were you so angry just now, do you know that Qin Wei?"

"Daughter-in-law, I think the business you are doing now is quite good. Although the casino and other clubs are really profitable, they are not safe. If something happens, the consequences will be disastrous."

After listening to Li Qiaomu, he suddenly understood in his heart why Jian Xiang put aside Shen Heng as the hero, and turned to Qin Wei, a character who had never appeared in the book.

Li Qiaomu laughed out loud after hearing his words, and when someone stared at him, he smiled and told him, "Where did you go, I didn't think about doing that, the career I'm doing now is very good. It satisfies me, and I have a hunch that my career will be more profitable than those meeting in the future, believe it or not."

Dare Lovers has such strong financial resources, sure enough, the heroine is worthy of being a heroine, what she did is not something that normal people can do.

After Jian Haotian said these words, he found that the daughter-in-law beside him had a strange expression, and his expression was even more unpredictable.

Li Qiaomu lowered his head and smiled, "Just blow it."

After the chicken soup was ready, Li Qiaomu brought a bowl to Mrs. Jian.

"I don't know him, but we have met a few times. That kid has been in our place a few times, and his father is a gangster. He is doing things like opening casinos and clubs."

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was not moved by those miscellaneous things, Jian Haotian immediately smiled and said, "I believe that my daughter-in-law is the best, and I have always believed in you."

Second Sister-in-law Jian burst into tears immediately after drinking the chicken soup.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu told her with a face full of tears and laughter, "Second sister-in-law, is my soup really bad? Why are you crying while drinking it?"

When the second sister-in-law of Jian heard that the third sibling had misunderstood her, she quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile, "No, no, it's delicious, I'm just so touched, third sibling, thank you for being so kind to me. When you were at home, when you were beaten and scolded by that old woman, I was really confused by lard, why didn't I help you."

Li Qiaomu smiled, and patted the back of her hand, "Okay, second sister-in-law, weren't you also suppressed by that old woman at that time, did you dare to stand up, and besides, you didn't join hands with sister-in-law to deal with me. Thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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