Chapter 498

Li Qiaomu looked at this good male protagonist, and when she thought that her time travel had caused his female protagonist to fall into the arms of other people, seeing this child now, she felt a little indebted to him.

Shen Heng looked at Aunt Qiao Mu whose expression was constantly changing, and couldn't help wondering what was going on.

"Auntie, is something wrong?" Shen Heng couldn't help asking curiously.

Li Qiaomu was taken aback when he heard this question, and then asked with a smile, "Why do you ask such a question?"

Shen Heng smiled embarrassedly and said, "Auntie, you looked at me strangely, as if with sympathy, so I curiously asked Auntie if something happened?"

After hearing his words, Li Qiaomu immediately touched his cheek with his hand in embarrassment, thinking to himself, is it so obvious?
Before she could come up with an answer, she saw Shen Heng waiting for her answer with curious eyes.

"Nothing happened. Besides, you were wrong. Auntie didn't look at you with sympathy. Auntie thinks you are very powerful."

"It's a compliment to your eyes, understand." Li Qiaomu said again with a smile.

"Thank you, auntie." Although he felt that auntie's words were a bit fake, he told him politely that he still had to thank him.

"I said I don't need you to follow me. I can take the bus to the bank by myself." Seeing him riding so hard under the sun, Li Qiaomu patted him on the back and preached.

"Hard mouth and soft heart, I know you are feeling sorry for me and I have to ride a bicycle to take you there in such a hot day. To be honest, I feel the same as you. You care about me, and I worry about you. So much money , I don't worry." He said seriously.

Two months passed in a flash, and Li Qiaomu always felt like it was yesterday since the last repayment.

There was a warm current in Li Qiaomu's heart, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was also perverted, and finally discussed with him, "Then we have agreed, if you are tired, you can tell me, and then we will find a place to sit down Let's take a rest, we are not in a hurry, do you understand?"

Last night, Jian Haotian knew that she was going to the bank to repay the loan, and also knew that his brother-in-law was not free today, so he specially took half a day off to accompany his wife there.

After the family had breakfast together, the young couple rested at home for a few minutes, and then they rode and sat on their bicycles and set off to ride in the direction of the city.

"Study hard, don't disturb the two of you studying. Auntie is going to have breakfast." Li Qiaomu hurried away, lest she stay here for a while, and Shen Heng, the hero in the book, would see her flaws. .

Just finished calculating the general ledger yesterday, and now she has a large sum of money in her hand.

Jian Haotian smiled softly when he was patted by his wife, and grabbed her little hand with one hand, holding it in his generous and safe palm.

Jian Haotian said yes, but he didn't intend to do so in his heart.

This bit of suffering may seem like a lot of hard work to his wife, but in his opinion, it is really nothing. Compared with the training he received when he was in the team, it really doesn't match up with the word "hardship" now side.

As a result, they still didn't stop for a rest along the way.

The main reason is that every time she asked him if he was tired, the man would answer with two words, not tired!

(End of this chapter)

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