Chapter 500 Compensate You

In the past year, because of making money and repaying money, she has been busy around, and at the same time, she has forgotten all about her promise to her eldest son.

While she was blaming herself, Director Zhou also calculated the remaining money to be repaid.

Hearing that the figure Director Zhou said was the same as the figure he had calculated, Li Qiaomu took out the money he had brought without any objection.

"Director Zhou, do the math."

Director Zhou looked at the large bundle of money, smiled, and called a staff member in, asking him to take it out and count the money.

After the staff took it out, Director Zhou started to say some good things again.

"Comrade Li, you are really amazing. I, Mr. Zhou, have to admire your dedication. In just half a year, you actually paid back all our bank loans."

Li Qiaomu smiled, accepted his compliments calmly, and at the same time knew that there must be some reason for people to say that.

"Director Zhou, don't give me such a high hat anymore, just say what you have to say." She smiled and interrupted his unfinished boast.

After Director Zhou was interrupted, he just smiled softly, "Okay, since Comrade Li saw it, I'll just say it straight, it's like this, if Comrade Li wants to do any business in the future, he must come again Our bank, don't worry, we will do our best to meet your request."

After hearing his promise, Li Qiaomu smiled in surprise, "Director Zhou is so generous this time?"

Director Zhou smiled embarrassingly, "Isn't there no way, who said that it is difficult to do business in our business now, and Comrade Li, you are such a high-quality and good customer, so naturally our bank must keep it. .”

Li Qiaomu smiled calmly, and accepted his compliments frankly.

At this time, the bank staff who had just left came in and said the amount of money.

After confirming that the amount was correct, the two ended the loan face to face.

After finishing all this, the young couple didn't want to stay here any longer, and walked out of the bank on the grounds that they had something to do.

As soon as he came out of the bank, Li Qiaomu immediately took a deep breath of fresh air.

She turned her head and said to Jian Haotian who had been following her all the time, "Jian Haotian, don't you feel that the air today is particularly sweet?"

Jian Haotian, who was following her, heard her words, smiled softly, and gently held her hand, "I don't know if it smells sweet or not, but I know that my wife is very happy today."

Li Qiaomu looked at their holding hands with a smile, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Of course I'm happy, we are really debt-free now."

Speaking of this, she looked at his clothes, because it was outside, this man was not wearing a police uniform, but a blue coat he had long ago.

But I don't know if it's because I bought it for a long time, and the top of the collar has turned white.

Li Qiaomu looked at the clothes he was wearing and felt sorry for him.

She didn't seem to have bought him any clothes.

Taking advantage of coming out now and paying back the money she owed, she decided to make good compensation to the man in front of her.

"Let's go, let's go shopping while we still have time." As soon as the words fell, she took his hand and strode towards the direction where the bicycles were parked.

Jian Haotian looked at her dotingly as he held his hand.

He was riding a bicycle, listening to his wife's instructions behind him, the young couple finally stopped at the entrance of a famous department store in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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