Chapter 502

Jian Haotian nodded without thinking, "Well, I'm happy, as long as you buy it, I'm happy no matter what it is."

"Slick tongue." Li Qiaomu shook off his hand and glared at him with a coquettish expression on his pretty face.

In the end, Li Qiaomu decided to choose a set of rest-style clothes for him. When he was about to check out, Li Qiaomu bought him some underwear.

Coming out of the department store, Li Qiaomu's hands were empty, because Jian Haotian held all the things he bought just now.

She turned her head and looked at the two bags in his hand, and couldn't help sighing, "Jian Haotian, I found out that the most profitable thing here is selling clothes, and just two bags cost me more than 100 yuan, which is too expensive. "

"It's indeed a bit expensive, but it's worth it, because you chose this dress for me yourself." He moved to her ear and said with a satisfied face.

Li Qiaomu looked at the satisfied smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The young couple got on their bicycles and set off again in the direction of home.

In the past two days, the winery sent people over to pick the fruit. Li Qiaomu didn't want his family to be troubled, so he invited dozens of people from the village to help pick the fruit.

That day, the women's laughter and laughter were heard throughout the mountain.

Also because of the high price Li Qiaomu offered, all the villagers invited were very fast. I was afraid that if they were slower, Li Qiaomu would not invite them when he wanted to hire people to do things in the future.

So they had to finish the picking ahead of schedule, which was supposed to take two days.

Once the fruit was sold out, Li Qiaomu also earned a large sum of money.

At the same time, because of the commotion, the newspaper office in the provincial capital discovered the abnormality in Jian's Village, so within two days, Jian's Village and Li Qiaomu were published in the newspaper again.

Li Qiaomu, who had already appeared in the newspaper once, had a calm face when he saw himself in the newspaper for the second time.

However, some of the villagers who were photographed in the photos were very excited.

So today, as long as the villagers meet each other, they will point to a newspaper and tell each other which corner of the photo they appear in.

"Have you read the newspapers in the provincial capital today?"

"Look, that's really great. Did you see that I'm also on that photo, just in a small corner of the photo, what, I didn't see it, open your eyes a little wider."

When Li Qiaomu passed by on a bicycle, listening to these words, there was always a teased smile on the corner of his mouth.

Today is the big day for the opening of He Xiao's shop. She had promised He Xiao before that if his shop opened, she, the owner as a supplier, would definitely attend.

When she passed by, He Xiao, who was greeting the guests, saw her coming, and walked over to greet her with an unstoppable smile on his face.

"Mr. Li, you're finally here. I thought you weren't going to come over."

Li Qiaomu smiled and looked at the overcrowded shops behind him.

This event was also something she had never imagined.

When his shop opened, she also thought that with the popularity of her organic vegetables, the business of this shop should not be too bad.

But looking at it now, this is not only not bad, it is simply good and cannot be better.

"There was a little delay on the way, but luckily I was late soon." Li Qiaomu said with a smile.

He Xiao is grateful that he made a special trip to participate in the opening of his store, and he is still the supplier of this store. It is fine if he can't make it through, but now he is here, which shows that he attaches great importance to his store .

(End of this chapter)

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