Chapter 51
Jian Qingyu moved her away from the top of her head, and then said with a proud expression on her small face, "Of course I know, I know everything, in fact, my elder brother is angry at you for being cowardly, and he is angry with you, but I know that in my heart, I still owe you my mother very much, if you give him pancakes now, my brother will cry happily."

"Second brother, you are so bad, you actually said that elder brother will cry, I want to tell elder brother these words." Jian Meimei said with a mischievous smile at this time.

Jian Qingyu was so frightened that she immediately covered her sister's mouth with her oily little hands, "Don't be so loud, if you let the elder brother hear it, the elder brother will definitely punish me."

Jian Meimei giggled again.

Li Qiaomu watched the two brothers and sisters playing, and after telling them to be careful, he walked towards one of the doors here with two fried meatloaf.

When he came to the door, Li Qiaomu didn't go in right away, but asked inside, "Qingfeng, can mom come in?"

After she finished asking for a while, the room was silent, just when Li Qiaomu thought this kid didn't want her to go in, he suddenly heard his cool voice from inside, "The door is open, won't you come in by yourself? "

When Li Qiaomu heard this reply, he was angry and wanted to laugh, and then he thought that he was still a ten-year-old child, and he cared about these things with him.

When they moved out this time, the three siblings still slept in the same room, but this time because the room was bigger, Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian let the three siblings sleep in a bed each.

When Li Qiaomu walked in, his eyes quickly locked on Jian Qingfeng who was sitting on one of the beds.

"Are you hungry? I brought you meat pancakes. Eat while it's hot." After Li Qiaomu finished speaking, he put the meat pancakes on the table.

Jian Qingfeng smelled the fragrance, and his stomach growled twice. He was so ashamed that he really wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide.

"Okay, let's eat, let's have a good chat after eating." Li Qiaomu said to him with a smile.

Jian Qingfeng snorted, although he didn't want to eat it, he still couldn't resist the glutton in his stomach and started to eat it.

As soon as he took a bite, his eyes lit up, and he ate the cake much faster after a while.

In less than 5 minutes, the two meat pancakes went into his stomach. After eating, he couldn't help but burped, making the arrogant Jian Qingfeng's face flushed red with shame.

Li Qiaomu looked at his embarrassment, held back a smile and said, "Okay, let's talk now, let me ask you, do you dislike me as a mother?"

Jian Qingfeng stared at her without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu continued, "I also know why you don't like me as a mother. I was useless before and caused you three brothers and sisters to suffer so much. Here, I apologize to you, but now I promise you, never From now on, I will not let anyone bully you three brothers and sisters, I will protect you, trust me, give me a chance, okay?"

Jian Qingfeng was still silent.

Li Qiaomu stared at him eagerly, hoping that through this conversation, the relationship between her and the elder son could be eased.

After a while, Jian Qingfeng with a serious face finally said, "Is what you said true?"

Li Qiaomu was very happy when he heard his voice. If the child could make a sound, it meant that he was willing to give her a chance.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, see if I can do it next time. If I can't, it's never too late for you to hate me."

(End of this chapter)

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