Chapter 593 Didn't You Lose Face?
Although Li Qiaomu didn't deliberately conceal the fact that Yu Sheng came to Jian's house, but the next day some villagers found out about it, and it was also rumored that he was a big boss who liked the vegetables Li Qiaomu planted. It costs a lot of money to buy these vegetables grown by Li Qiaomu.

In the afternoon of the next day, Jian Xiang, who was at Qin's house, knew about it.

"Daughter, tell me about you. You are also a vegetable grower. Why are the vegetables grown by her Li Qiaomu so popular? No one wants your vegetables. Have you ever thought about why?" She looked at her silent daughter with a look of disdain.

Jian Xiang's heart is full of fire now, she has asked herself this question, but she has not been able to find the answer. '

When she started growing vegetables, she followed the method taught by Li Qiaomu to grow vegetables. As a result, the vegetables she grew tasted the same as the vegetables grown by ordinary people, not at all like the vegetables grown by Li Qiaomu. They tasted the same. It has a delicate fragrance, and it can also make people feel better.

"Do you think I don't want to grow vegetables like Li Qiaomu, but I just can't help it. I don't know how Li Qiaomu grows it. The vegetables I grow are so good that people can eat them to strengthen their health. Physical ability." When talking about this function, Jian Xiang became very angry, and those people just liked this function so they kept pestering Li Qiaomu's green vegetables.

Brother Jian looked at his daughter who was getting more and more angry as she talked, and planned to keep his mouth shut for his little errand money.

Jian Xiang didn't know her own father's little thoughts. At this moment, all her thoughts were on the vegetables.

"Dad, you stay in Jian's village every day, help me secretly check what Li Qiaomu poured on the vegetables in her vegetable field, which can make the vegetables in her field so different?" After thinking for a while, she immediately looked at Brother Jian with a sullen expression on her face and gave orders.

Brother Jian nodded obediently. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he was doing things for his daughter now, so it shouldn't be for nothing.

"Daughter, the busy dad you mentioned is of course willing to help you, but if I stay in the village, I have to eat and drink. It's not good if I don't have any money. Take a look." He held out his hand to her with a flattering smile.

Jian Xiang looked at his outstretched hand with a look of boredom. Knowing her father, Mo Ruonu, she knew that her own father was not the kind of good father.

"Here, it's for this month, and it will be next month. It's not easy for me to make money now, so save some money."

Brother Jian looked at the 50 yuan in his hand, although he was a little dissatisfied, but thinking that something is better than nothing, he had no choice but to put the 50 yuan into his pocket with an expression of unwillingness on his face.

"Then you will have to give me a little more next month. Your dad, I want to buy some clothes to wear recently. Look at the old clothes I'm wearing. They are all torn. If I come here to look for you, my in-laws see me wearing them." Isn't it a shame to bring a piece of ragged clothes over here, I'm doing this for your own good." Brother Jian said like a good father.

With a sneer on the corner of Jian Xiang's mouth, after listening to his nonsense, he finally interrupted impatiently, "Okay, don't say these things that make me sick, don't I know what you look like, I No matter what clothes you buy, anyway, you have done what I told you, and if you can't do it well, don't think about me giving you money again next time."

(End of this chapter)

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